How to work out at home ?!

Question: How to work out at home .?
I'm 16... 5ft 3 & half , 7 & half stone..

So nt overweight, But I wan't to tone up..

Keep healthy etc...

Any tips .?

thanks in advance :) x Health Question & Answer

Do the housework. I know it sounds silly but doing hoovering for an hour and general tidying can burn over 200 calories. You should also try doing crunches and situps and i recommend a dance or workout dvd xxxHealth Question & Answer

1. Plan your Program

Having a plan is like having a destination and a map to get there. If you are driving until you find something fun to do, you will waste a lot of time deciding what's worth it, drive too much and possibly get lost along the way. A program designed for the results you want, means you have a destination and you know what you want out of it. If you start working out at home by doing random exercises you are more likely to stop and take longer breaks to decide what to do next. If you know what you are doing before you start, you will keep going until your list of exercises to do, has been completed.

2. Work out with a partner

Invite a friend over to exercise with you or get your partner in on the workouts. Having someone to share workouts is fun, motivating and makes you accountable to the other person. Plus you can both share the happiness and sense of accomplishment when you see results. It's always rewarding to make protein shakes together or go out for tea afterward.

3. Turn off the TV

Ah the TV. You see a lot of people watching TV in the gym and you may notice that they are moving much slower than the people listening to music or just focusing on the workout. TV is distracting. It hurts workouts. I remember when I first started exercising by walking on a treadmill, I would watch TV. When the program went to commercials, I would actually stop exercising because I was bored. Instead, concentrate on the workout. Putting focus in to what you are doing yields better results.

I failed many times to keep fat off my hips and thighs until
discovering this 1 secret =>

Allison BlackwoodHealth Question & Answer

theres really no right answer,everyone is different and somethings dont always work for everyone. as for as toning,i would use weights that feel comforterable then increase if you want once you get comfortable with it. also you can do some type of aerobics. i have been doing taebo and it has an amplifier thats about 3lbs and trust me,its amazing. you wouldnt think 3 lbs would make a difference but it does and it works your whole body. theres different cds to chose from. ive only using taebo for 3 wks,4-5 days a wk and i have noticed a difference. goood luck!Health Question & Answer

I run up and down the stairs...Health Question & Answer

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