Do nicotine patches actually work?!

Question: Do nicotine patches actually work.?
It's just that I forgot to put one on today and I don't feel any different (given up for 6 weeks now - on stage 2 of patches).. Should I just stop using them or stick one on later just in case.?
I still have another 6 weeks of patches to go according to the pharmacist..Health Question & Answer

No harm completing it, nicotine is not as harmful as the toxic ciggerette smoke.. besides the longer you stay away form ciggerettes using the nicotine replacemnt therapy the better chance for you to quit by breaking your own smoking habit ritual, do note because you were on nicotine replacemnt, the phycical withdrawal will come and you will have to tolerate this.. lowering the nicotine level your body needs helps.. I used zyban, and it seem to work for me..

Zyban is a sort of anti depressent that have seem to help smokers quit by reducing the withdrawl sytyoms, such has irratablity, loss of concentration, shaky hands, runny nose, depression......

The nicotine patch work by combating the physiological attachment of a cigarette.. For example, the need to smoke after certain events, such as- waking up, meals, drinks, moods, fatigue, etc...... Habits that have formed over the years, and bad habits die hard........

I was a very heavy smoker and have just given up a year ago, but the cravings still comes back once a while, and sometimes I still find it hard to say no..

Study your addiction and find out about your cigarette addiction.. Quiting smoking is never a simple task, else lot of smokers would have given up the useless smelly, socially unaccepted, health lowering and expensive habit..

Cigarette addictive powers
1) physiological
2) Physical

Smoking to some people is a daily part of their life, hence to quit requires time, commitment and determination to break such habit.. This is the hard part, for physical addiction, there are medication ( I..e..- Zyban)to reduce the withdrawal symptom..

Stay away form your smoking triggers, that helps .. make time for it, take a month off to quit( I left my previous job, yeah i quit my job and smoking too, and didn't regret it.. ;P).. Stay away from smokers( initially) Don't let 1 or 2 cigarettes turn u back to smoking, which ex smoker never fell for " one stick wont harm", i fell for it and had to quit again, thankfully it was easier the less addicted you are...... quiting smoking is a long term commitment, dint give up even if you relapse.. Addiction withdrawal last a week, cravings last a few years........ craving comes and thankfully they go..

All the best,stay strong!Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you're one of the lucky ones,& they've worked fine for you.. I Agree about the pharmacist ripping you off....if you can forget & not feel any different,you don't need them any more.. If you're not 100% confident,& got some left,try one every other day & then stop.. Good luck,& well done!Health Question & Answer

In this case - the pharmacist is making money out of you (or out of the government if you get them free)..

You should be able to leave the patches off by now - I gave up smoking two years ago and only had the patches for a week - never needed them again..Health Question & Answer

The patches do work.. If you feel ready to go off of the patches, you can do so.. I would recommend that you buy some nicotine gum or lozenge to help with cravings, though.. Your supposed to be on each stage of patches for about 6 weeks or so..Health Question & Answer

They work for me.. I couldn't see where I put my cigarettes!Health Question & Answer

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