What does it feel like to be in a neck cast?!

Question: What does it feel like to be in a neck cast.?
Like those you get around your broken neck..

Is it itchy.?

What about afterwards -- when you get your cast off from around your neck.? Does it feel like your head's going to fall off.?

Assuming I don't know anything about neck casts, or anything about casts -- which I dont -- please describe in the best best best detail you can about as much as much as much on neck casts!

Thank you for looking! =)Health Question & Answer

ok well.... there are a couple neck braces you can have...... one is wat i have had it isnt really stuffy or hot.... and its made of light meterial so its not heavy but it does itch time to time and its no fun...... because your neck doesnt expand it doesnt really get stuffy........ but the next brace is more a ruber and plastic one........ and a friend of mine had it.... he said it would really rub the skin on his neck raw...... and it was really immobalizing...... but thats wat there for so ya i hope this helpedHealth Question & Answer

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