How to Live with Chronic Pain without Pain Management Doctor?!

Question: How to Live with Chronic Pain without Pain Management Doctor.?
I went to my family doctor yesterday and he doesn't believe in narcatics for cronic pain.. I've been taking loratab on and off since '84 for a bad fall, but now I suffer with fibromynalia and neropathy since I had a couple of mini stokes back in '99.. I've had two pain doctors but both are out of business and I see lots of drugs on the streets and I don't understand how people get the meds then sell them when I need them but have a dumbass doctor who thinks people should suffer with pain other than having something like medication to help.. I just don't get his thinking.. I would be willing to take the pain some of the time but all of the time is making me think of suicide as a possible answer.. Please don't say don't do it cause I have no life and laying in bed is hell.. But that's the only way I get some relief.. Think of how your body felt the last time you had the flu and compound it twice, now you may say if that was your life everyday you could end it..Health Question & Answer

I do understand what you are going through, I am 35 years old and have suffered with severe pain for about 3 years now.. I spend a lot of time in bed but I also am very proactive about getting the care that I need.. I had a pain management doctor just like this and I only went to him twice before going back to my family doc and telling him that this doctor was just not going to cut it.. That doctor also tried taking my meds away (my doctor thought that was just crazy).. Anyway, I'm just saying this to tell you that you DO have a choice in what doctor you see.. Sometimes it takes seeing a few before you find one that you mesh with and will take care of you properly.. It is their job to make sure you aren't being over medicated but you need to find one who will be sympathetic to your situation and help you not add more stress to your situation.. Please try to find someone else.. I know you can find someone and he/she can help you find some relief and happiness in your life again.. It is up to you to not give up though, ok.? I know you can do it....................I was very hopeless at one point in time too and just had to pick myself and make someone listen to me.. YOu can do the same!!!! Good luck and I pray for painless peace filled days for you...... :)Health Question & Answer

trust me, don't try to "John Wayne" it.. Go to a good pain doc and get the right help.. I have Chronic Regional Pain syndrome, and I need meds to curb the pain.. Without them, I think I would have already had a heart attack from the pain or have committed suicide..Health Question & Answer

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