Knee Pain. Would Stretching Help?!

Question: Knee Pain.. Would Stretching Help.?
So I have been having these knee pains for little over a year now.. They started when I was being really active..3pm-10pm sometimes non stop sports.. So my knees started hurting and I got a but under both knees...... Looks almost like a second knee cap.. Anyways, these hurt really bad when running...... The doctor says they are just growing pains but I'm not sure...... No one else seems to have them

Would stretching make this less sore.?Health Question & Answer

I don't know if this will help or not, but I was having knee pain earlier this year and apparently it was because the muscle that bends the knee became weak and I was basically throwing my leg in mini circles that I didnt even notice I was doing when I walked.. Because of this, the weight was now resting on my knee alone.. Hence the pain.. What my doctor suggested was to sit down and extend the legs in front of you (making your body into an "L" shape) and holding it for a moment.. Just until it starts to become a little uncomfortable.. Then rest.. Do 3 repetions at a time and do these a few times through out the day.. You should notice results by the next day or so.. It could also mean you need to add some more calcium to your diet.. I would suggest Calcium 500mg or 600mg.. Either one.. Stick with the 500mg if your already taking a multi vit.. And much like anything else, consult your doctor before doing anything that may injure you or before taking any medications..Health Question & Answer

Stretching always helps, but isn't a cure for joint pain, it will just relax the muscles around the knee.. When I was younger I had knee pain and had to go to a few different doctors before one doctor finally decided to help me.. I still have knee pain, but it is nice to know that there are doctors out there willing to help.. My suggestion is to go to another doctor or a few different doctors, and see if one will take your complaints seriously.. I've noticed unless you have actual visible pain when you are younger, the doctors tend not to listen.. Maybe try a specialist, they are definantly better than a family doctor..Health Question & Answer

Gentle stretching is good.. Stretch for the stretch sensation, not to pain..Health Question & Answer

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