Why can I not bruise? Is it unhealthy?!

Question: Why can I not bruise.? Is it unhealthy.?
I was just wondering......

I have not had a bruise in about 8 years.. I am 20 years old, and even after getting banged up pretty bad, I will NEVER bruise.. I almost even broke my leg a couple times hitting my shin on something extremely hard, and STILL no bruise.. I was just wondering if this is in any way unhealthy.?

I have high blood pressure also, with an average bp of 140/80.. I only weigh 145 and I am 5'11" tall.. I have no idea why I do not bruise, and I brought it up to my health teacher in high school, and he even had no clue why.. Does anybody have this happen to them.? And what does it mean if you just do not bruise.?Health Question & Answer

i too dont bruise, but its okay......
A bruise, happens when a part of the body is struck and the muscle fibers and connective tissue underneath are crushed but the skin doesn't break.. When this happens, blood from the ruptured capillaries [[small blood vessels]] near the skin's surface escapes by leaking out under the skin.. With no place to go, the blood gets trapped, forming a red or purplish mark that's tender when you touch it, your just not rupturing any capillaries or muscle fibers or tissue so you dont bruise..Health Question & Answer

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