What kind of pain relievers do they administer for a broken leg?!

Question: What kind of pain relievers do they administer for a broken leg.?
It would be an open fracture of the tibia and fibia.. Oh, and what happens if it gets infected.? Like, what do you do.? What does the doctor do.?Health Question & Answer

i broke my tib fib a few years ago racing motocross.. if it gets infected u may be ******, a infected break may have to be amputated.. when u get to the hospital with a compound fracture they will take you into surgery almost as soon as u get to there.. in surgery they may put pins in (rods that actually protrude from the sides of the leg and hold the bones in place) or they may drive a nail threw the top of ur tibia that will reach down to your ankle then there will be screws inserted threw the side of ur leg to hold the nail still.. if both of those methods dont work then the doctor will take a titanium plate that will be screwed into the side of the tibia holding the bones together..
dont do what i did and trust ur doctor completely.. my doctor plated my fibula thinking it would help and just dicked me around for 9 months befor i went to the city and got it done right..

if its for a story here

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