Why is it that I fall asleep in the morning and can't sleep at night?!

Question: Why is it that I fall asleep in the morning and can't sleep at night.?
This happens only on certain nights, however I lie awake in bed until early in the morning and then i start feeling tired and fall asleep..Health Question & Answer

It looks like you have your sleep schedule all out of whack! You need to keep to a schedule try going to bed at the same time every night however before you go to bed try taking a hot bath, while drinking a nice warm milky drink the milk will help you sleep.. The milk will act as a natural sleeping pill and you will fall asleep fast plus if you are relaxed it will also help too.. You need to also make sure that your bed is comfortable and that you are not too hot or too cold..

I find using the TV to help me sleep is amazing!! I watch Bloomberg News and I pass out in about 20 minutes! There is nothing more dry that stock quotes at 11 pm at night..

Try to keep coffee/tea to a minimum nothing after say 3:30 pm as this will also keep you awake.. Don't drink anything with caffeine i..e.., cola's etc, try to steer clear of chocolate too as this has caffeine in it which will keep you awake.. Don't eat too late not only is this not good for you but if you are digesting your food you will find that it's harder to seep..

Sometimes mild exercise, cleaning the house or doing something relaxing will help before bedtime.. You can at last resort buy some over the counter medication such as Benadryl in 25 mg capsules, I have taken 2 in the past which was quite effective it is an allergy medication that has a slight sedation effect which could help you sleep however if you are not familiar with them they make make you VERY Tired! If you still can't sleep see your doctor who could prescribe some medication for you..Health Question & Answer

I've been having the same problems since I started taking medication for depression.. I've found that the only thing that helps me is keeping myself as active as possible through the day taking in long walks also and plenty of fresh air helps me get a relaxing nights sleep now.. Try to get yourself into some kind of routine and your body clock should hopefully adjust itself..Health Question & Answer

I would suggest getting some Health Insurance at .YourFreeQuote..net" rel="nofollow">http://www..YourFreeQuote..net and go to the doctor!Health Question & Answer

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