J.w. if these problems are connected?!

Question: J..w.. if these problems are connected.?
ok so i feel like i just need a new body, im having a lot of problems and im getting nervous that a few or maybe all are connected and i could be sick or something so please leave me your advice:
1.. i lose my breath every now and then and then take a few deep breaths till i get it back
2.. i get really bad pains right in between my breast bone and sometimes around my heart (usually lasts a while)
3.. i have really bad lower back pains, the muscles right above my butt (kinda those top muscles)
4.. my right knee almost feels popped out of place and starts aching after i walk for to long causing me to limp
please do you think these are connect or some.? or mean anything serious.?Health Question & Answer

I am most concerned about the pain in your chest and shortness of breath (SOB).. Have you ever been told that you have reactive airway disease, commonly called asthma.? I think that you should see your doctor about this.. It could be serious enough to get a chest x-ray.. Have you ever felt a wheeze when you get these SOB spells.. In any case smoking is not helping...... of course you know that..
Sometimes when patients have an asthma attack they experience pain in their back.. Do you experience increased back pain when you have these spells.?
There is a condition called exercised induced asthma.. It happens during or shortly after any physical exertion..
also, some people have spasms of the bronchia (air tubes in you lungs) that come on rapidly and take your breath away, only relieved when the spasm stops..
These all can be treated with medications..
I am not making a diagnosis here.. That can only be done by your doctor...... who you should see...... so that tests can be done to figure out exactly what you're experiencing..
Thanks for the infoHealth Question & Answer

1 and 2 may be connected.. 3 is likely something to do with your sciatic nerve in your lower back, especially if you have any pain across your butt or in the back of your legs.. 4.. Instability in the knee is somewhat common, especially if you do or have done strenuous activities in the past.. Cartilage can break down over time with wear..

1 and 2 could be a lung issue.. The random shortness of breath may be something to have your doctor check out.. A chest x-ray should rule out most problematic things.. Good luck, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to e-mail or contact me on messenger..Health Question & Answer

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