Will I ever be able to run correctly again? ACL surgery?!

Question: Will I ever be able to run correctly again.? ACL surgery.?
Back in March I got ACL reconstruction surgery done.. I'm doing very well in terms of strengthening it and walking correctly, but I still can't run and the knee is stiff.. I hear that once you tear your ACL and get the surgery, your knee will never be the same again.. I really would like to play basketball by the fall.... Would this be possible.? and any other information about this is appreciated as well..Health Question & Answer

There is no reason why you wont be able to go back to doing all the things that you were before the surgery.. With that said, give it time.. Most people dont start jogging before 3-4 months and that is the stage you are at now.. Keep working on the strength even after you finish PT.. Most doctors release their patients back to athletics after 6 months but you will only be about 80% at that point......it will take up to 2 yrs of continuing with the strengthening before you get back to 100%.. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

You can get back to all your events, but only if you give it enough time to heal.. If you don't, then you will re tear it and you will not be able to do the things you once did..

ok-if you tore it in march, that is 4 months.. Even the most aggresive protocols take 6 months to fully rehab..

If you want to get better-keep going to physical therapy.. There are many, many different approaches to rehab on an acl.. Explain to them that you are healthy and want to return to basketball..

BE SURE to do your home exercise program.. It may seem too easy, but you are re training your body to work with a new ligament.. It takes time and practice.. Your body is unstable, and you need the exercises to build up the muscles to add stability..

No one can tell you exactly what you need to do without seeing you, but I can tell you that if you play a sport as aggressive as basketball without your knee being fully healed and strengthened, you WILL tear it again..

Please listen to your therapist.. Tell him/her your goals, and be motivated!Health Question & Answer

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