Why is one side of my nose stuffy and the other side is not?!

Question: Why is one side of my nose stuffy and the other side is not.?
i can breath regularly with the nose that is not stuffy but i can breath a little with the stuffy side.. how can i stop getting it to be stufffy.?Health Question & Answer

Sounds like rhinitis or sinusitis..
If you turn your head to the unstuffy side, see if the stuffiness moves to the other side....it's your sinuses..
Take Aleve or Advil to reduce swelling..
Use saline nasal spray several times/day..
Try Afrin Nasal Spray (at most for 3 days) at night..
Drink lots of fluids except milk & dairy ( it creates mucus)..
Take Vit C 3000 mg 2X/day

Feel betterHealth Question & Answer

Knicname is correct that this is directly related to your sinuses.. If you turn your head to the non stuffy side, the mucus will drain into the other sinus cavity and hence the other side will become stuffy.. Over the counter nasal sprays are OK, but after having sinus surgery, the doctor told me how to make your own, and this works great!!!

2 cups room temperature purified water (tap water is OK too, but boil a bunch first and let cool to room temperature to have on hand)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sea salt

Stir to mix it all up and then shoot the water up your noise.. Most pharmacies sell a bulb syringe and most of the time they are found in the baby section.. Sounds grouse, but you use them to "suck out" nasal "things" but in this case you are shooting up.. Once you squeeze the fluid up into your noise, plug the other side with your finger and blow gently to expel the water and the mucus.. It is best to do this when the mucus is moving from one side of your face to the other, allowing the water to enter and then drain from your sinus cavity.. The salt will help with the draining and stuffiness, and the baking soda will help with the burning that the salt creates.. If you feel a burning sensation, you need more baking powder in your mix.. You can actually do this as often as you like, unlike the OTC sprays which stop the mucus membranes.. You can only do those 1 or 2 times a day based on the ingredients..Health Question & Answer

It is weird, but when I get a cold, the nostrils take turns
being stuffed.. You can use nasal sprays, or blow your nose
GENTLY with a tissue.. Or use neti pot and gently warm
salt water poured through your nose to wash it out..
A warm washcloth draped over your nose and face can
ease stuffies too..Health Question & Answer

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