Migraine headache won't go away?!

Question: Migraine headache won't go away.?
this is the 2nd day i've had one, im taking meds for them and the dr seems to think it is hornomal..

so here's my question:
how long will this last.? it gets better with the meds but as soon as they wear off it comes right back..
should i let the dr know or is it normal for it to last for days.?Health Question & Answer

First of all it was good that you saw the doctor..If they are hormonal -probably coming around the time of your period there are a few things you can try..Take Vitamin E every day -400 iu this has worked for me in the past and you also get the benefit of extra vitamins but take it every day not just when you have the head aches..Another thing you could try that actuallly worked for me is Benadryl..I went to the ER for treatment for a very bad migraine 1st they gave me morphine - nothing,then they gave me Tylenol - nothing and at last,after hours of being ill they brought me 2 Benadryl _ at this point I thought they were working backwards by starting me on morphine but I can tell you with in 30 minutes my headache was gone..I have tried it again several times and it works pretty well..The doctors said they don't know why it works only that it does.. Good Luck..Health Question & Answer

I have the same problem, except we aren't sure what it causing them, but I was having one 3 or 4 times a week.. My doc started me on atenolol which is blood pressure medicine so it does lower my blood pressure but not too much--the reason he did this is b/c the medicine dilates my blood vessels which takes the pressure off my vessels and my headache doesn't come one--I take this medication once every night b4 bed.. I do however have a headache once every 2 weeks ((not as bad though)) but I take 3 aleve with food ((docs order)) and it takes it away.. Yesterday I actually drank a whole thing of tea and got a headache so I think mine is from caffeine.. Im going talk to my doc and go caffeine free and see if this is my problem.. Good luck with your headaches and I hope your doctors gets you straightened out......mine really has && if I were you I'de let the doctor know..Health Question & Answer

unfortunately if its hormonal, my doc said that you can just suffer with them....sorry........there is some meds he said but they usually put on a fair bit of weight, and there are other side affectsHealth Question & Answer

I am going through the same thing........try tylenol, it works for me but i needs to be retaking them.. I think it might be the strain to the eyesHealth Question & Answer

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