Terrible back, shoulder & neck pain after waking up every morning?!

Question: Terrible back, shoulder & neck pain after waking up every morning.?
For the past three years now, I have woken up to the most terrible pain in my lower back, upper back, neck, shoulders and the centre of my back.. I have noticed when I look at myself sideways in the mirror, my back is practically S-shaped.. It goes out for my back, inwards near by stomach and outwards again near my butt.. I dance vigorously a lot (often reggaeton, not normal dancing) and this doesn't appear to be helping because I frequently forget to warm up beforehand.. I eat extremely healthily and exercise often.. I feel as though the pain is almost...... inside of me and it perhaps has something to do with my kidneys.. The pain is almost unbearable some mornings and I dread waking up in the morning because of this excruciating agony.. My bed is not the problem because it's a comfy, relatively new, expensive bed.. Any sort of suggestions, advice, solutions or whatnot would be greatly appreciated.. I am 14 years old and suffer from stress, pressure and depression.. Is that related to this pain.?Health Question & Answer

Warm up before dancing, always..
This sounds a little bit like Lateral Scoliosis, but may have nothing at all to do with Scoliosis, it may be something entirely different, but excruciating pain is always a warning, and Scoliosis does not suddenly cause such pain.. I know we say this a lot, but you need to go to the Doctor and tell him or her exactly what you have said on here.. You could have a kidney infection, but referred pain, (pain from another organ)
could be causing the pain.. Dear you need checked out.. Call the doctor, ASAP.. Please do not put this off..Health Question & Answer

Stress, pressure and depression contribute to pain..
From the sound of it, to a layman's ear, you might have some form of scoliosis..
Ask your mother to take you to the DOCTOR.. PLEASE! You are much too young to settle for a life of constant pain..
If she can't or won't - walk into a walk-in clinic.. You're old enough to do that yourself..
PLEASE - GET THIS LOOKED AT NOW BEFORE YOU'RE FULLY MATURE!! You could be crippled for life, in more ways than one..Health Question & Answer

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