Flatback Syndrome at 16! Lower back pain is extremally bad.?!

Question: Flatback Syndrome at 16! Lower back pain is extremally bad...?
I was diagonised with Flatback Syndrome around March of 2008.. I am 16 also) And It has progressly grown worse since then.. I had x-rays taken and since then, it has gotten worse and worse since we missed our ciropractic appt in around April.. Now you can see my spine curiving out of my back.. It is truly painfull.. My lumbar lordosis is starting to bow outwords.. My doctors think that is what caused my Osborne Shaulders Syndrome in my knees.. I am an extremally healthy teen.. Never drank, smoked, drug use, sex, or anything like that.. My doctor said it may have something to do krepidas (Cracking when I move it) in my right ankle.. I am wondering, if I just let the Flatback Syndrome progress, what will happen.? My doctor said I may need surgury if it gets worse.. I am in Varcity Marching Band and we work out alot (Not to mention I live in Phoenix, Arizona......) and my back is constantly in pain even when I lay down.. Can it serously hurt me if I dont get the surgury until next sumer.?Health Question & Answer

Unless you know what's causing the problem to develop, there's no way to predict what will happen.. Its possible that a good physical therapist can halt or even improve things with focused exercises and stretching.. It might be worthwhile to see if your doctor can write up an order for you to visit a physical therapist a couple of times per week for several months and see if you make any progress.. If not, then surgery is probably inevitable..

If you have any signs of bone or cartilage degeneration, then it is probably unwise to wait a year for surgery since degenerative damage is not reversible.. Otherwise, if only ligaments are involved in the malformation, then waiting a year is less likely to cause problems.. However, chronic inflammation can cause ligaments to partly calcify, and this is irreversible..

If i were in your position, i would try the physical therapy route for 2-3 months and then make a decision about surgery or other treatment options.. I would also consider quitting the marching band if it aggravates the condition..Health Question & Answer

There is a SPECIFIC type of chiropractor you need to see for this problem, and that is one who specializes in a technique called Chiropractic Biophysics.. Here is a referral directory for doctors of this specialty: .idealspine..com/pages/referral..htm" rel="nofollow">http://www..idealspine..com/pages/referral......Health Question & Answer

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