Anus Question... Embrassing?!

Question: Anus Question...... Embrassing.?
I have a purple pea sized bump on my anus, i don't know what it is, if anyone could answer this it will be much appreciated..Health Question & Answer

it's probably a hemorhoid......
Hemorhoids are varicose veins of the rectum.. The hemorhoidal veins are sited in the lowest area of the rectum and the anus.. Sometimes they swell, so that the vein walls become stretched, slim, and irritated b passing bowel movements..
Veins in the rectum and anus are under considerable pressure whenever a stool is passed.. Pushing or straining may cause veins in the rectal wall to lump, creating clusters of swollen, or dilated, veins called hemorrhoids.. Internal hemorrhoids can form anywhere inside the anal canal, while external hemorrhoids are visible, or just below, the opening of the anus..
External hemorrhoids are situated within the anus and are usually painful.. If an external hemorrhoid prolapses to the outside (usually in the course of passing a stool) you can see and feel it.. Blood clots sometimes form within prolapsed external hemorrhoids, causing an extremely painful condition called a thrombosis.. If an external hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed, it can look rather frightening, turning purple or blue, and possibly bleeding.. Despite their appearance, thrombosed hemorrhoids are usually not serious and will resolve themselves in about a week.. If the pain is unbearable, your doctor can remove the thrombosis, which stops the pain, during an office visit..Health Question & Answer

You sound like you have the beginning of Hemorrhoid,
i can't begin to describe, but a doctor will describe,
they are also known as the varicose veins of that area!

To have it checked you need to see a doctor and no
they are very common , there is no way out of it, the
Doctor knows how to treat it and will give you advice
on your other problem too..

The Operation to have these removed (way down the
line Usually) is excruciatingly painful i heard from two
separate people i know !, It is much better if you can
manage this properly like a lot of people do for years:
that is why its important to see the doctor..Health Question & Answer

it could be just a mole or birth mark..

can you ask your mom if you have always had this.? She may ask how you spotted it, but I suppose we all have to get to know our whole bodies..

By chance have you had anal sex latley.? Maybe it was a small tear and it got like a blood blister.?Health Question & Answer

Its a pimple man or a hemorrohoid but definately a pimple..Health Question & Answer

go see a doctor......Health Question & Answer

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