Why dont i ever sleep?!

Question: Why dont i ever sleep.?
ok im like 13 and i can never sleep, even if im tired i very rarely make it in bed before 4 am and i dont fall asleep until like an hour or two later, i just lay there most of the time i end up falling asleep aroung 7 am, when school starts i go to bed when i feel even a little tired but lay there for hours (if i go to bed at 10 im not asleep until at least 12) i lay down and think ive been ther like 10 minutes but it turn out it has been an hour or two

what is wrong with me-
why cant i sleep-
is it normal-
how can i get to sleep faster-
HELP!!Health Question & Answer

Watch what you are eating and drinking a couple hours before you go to bed..Too much caffeine will keep you awake-too much sugar will make you hyper and keep you awake-your hormones are screaming because of puberty and that will do it too.. Try a glass of warm milk or eat some turkey-it has tryptophine in it and makes you sleepy.. also try putting yourself on a more straight routine-like going to bed everyday at the same time.. When you go to bed and cant fall asleep, get out of bed, and force yourself to do something else instead of laying there thinking about it because that will make you anxcious.. good luck..Health Question & Answer

When I used to start falling asleep early morning in the summer.. I'd go.... "ok, school starts monday".. So saturday night I'd never go to bed, and stay up until sunday night around 8pm.. Then lay down - and pass out.......... seems to help your body's sleep clock, lol..Health Question & Answer

Your not tired.... Especially in the holidays, don't think anyone can sleep in the holidays.. I mean even if someone sleeps 4 hours they will still feel fully refreshed the next day..Health Question & Answer

im the same way, havent always been.. I gave up on trying to sleep though, I find something to entertain myself with instead of laying in bed not sleeping..

My non sleeping started when I started working though so idk..Health Question & Answer

be more active during the day, then u will be tired by the time u need to go to bed :)Health Question & Answer

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