Black Widow Bite?!

Question: Black Widow Bite.?
What does a black widow bite look like.?
Does the actual bite hurt afterwards.?
and how quickly does it progress...?

Thanks for any help..Health Question & Answer

I have a friend who was bitten and he described the pain as being the worst he had ever felt, and he was shot a couple of times during WWII.. He also said his foot swelled up to 5 times its normal size within 20 minutes..
So, considering that the pain is worse than a gunshot wound, your bite doesn't qualify..Health Question & Answer

The black widow spider produces a protein venom that attacks the nervous system.. This neurotoxic protein is one of the most potent venoms secreted by an animal.. Some people are slightly affected by the venom, but others may have a severe response.. The first symptom is acute pain at the site of the bite, although there may only be a minimal local reaction.. Symptoms usually start within 20 minutes to one hour after the bite..Local pain may be followed by localized or generalized severe muscle cramps, abdominal pain, weakness, and tremor.. Large muscle groups (such as shoulder or back) are often affected, resulting in considerable pain.. In severe cases, nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, chest pain, and respiratory difficulties may follow.. The severity of the reaction depends on the age and physical condition of the person bitten.. Children and the elderly are more seriously affected than young adults.. In some cases, abdominal pain may mimic such conditions as appendicitis or gallbladder problems.. Chest pain may be mistaken for a heart attack.. Blood pressure and heart rate may be elevated.. The elevation of blood pressure can lead to one of the most severe complications..People rarely die from a black widow's bite.. Life-threatening reactions are generally seen only in small children and the elderly.. Treatment for serious reactions to a black widow spider's bite will be beyond the scope of most medical offices and urgent care centers.. Pain relief may require the use of narcotics and antivenin (antitoxin to counteract the effects of the spider venom)..
The decision to seek emergency care should be made early.. If the person who was bitten by a black widow spider has more than minor pain or has whole-body symptoms, seek care at a hospital's Emergency Department.. If symptoms are severe, call 911 for emergency medical transport so that evaluation and treatment can start en route to the hospital.. You can read more about Black Widow Bites by this link" rel="nofollow">
I hope that my answer helped answer your question! Take care :)Health Question & Answer

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