Why should you cut "down the street" for suicide?!

Question: Why should you cut "down the street" for suicide.?
When someone tries to commit suicide, why does it "work" when you cut downwards, as opposed to side to side.? If you press down hard enough, wouldn't you bleed enough to die any way you cut yourself.? What is the medical reasoning for this.? Or is it just a rumor.?

BTW- I'm NOT suicidal lol.. I am just really curiousHealth Question & Answer

Your veins and arteries run along the length of your arm, so if you cut across, it's a clean cut and easier to stitch shut (think of slicing a hotdog into two halves, the short way).. If you cut "down the street", you cut in the direction of the artery/veins, making it harder to repair (cut the hotdog lengthwise, into two long halves like half circles)..

At least, that's what I learned; no idea if it's really true, but it makes sense..Health Question & Answer

I'm sure it would work either way...... but when you think about it, cutting "down the street" would mean that you are actually opening more of the major artery in your wrist, so you would probably lose more blood faster..

But I'm not a doctor.. That just seems like it would make sense to me..Health Question & Answer

Your arteries and veins go up and down your arms not across them so you would be doing more damage when cutting up and down than you would if you just cut across.. Best thing to do is just not cut at all but I believe you know that..Health Question & Answer

I thought the exact same thing!!! Following an artery will kill you, sure, but slitting your wrists across will open all the veins and ****..

If I was gonna do it I'd probably just cut my entire hand off (then you're certain to loose a lot of blood)..Health Question & Answer

because you'll bleed out - not recommendedHealth Question & Answer

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