Was my weed laced?!

Question: Was my weed laced.?
i smoked some weed that my friend picked up last night.. He gets his weed from a pretty trustworthy guy and kept assuring me it was clean but im not too sure if it was laced with something or just really good chron.. my legs felt really tingley and would twitch uncontroably when i sat still.. I felt like i was walking under water like i was in a pool or something and everytime i moved my head i had a massive head rush, the same happened when id close my eyes and then open them after a little bit.. my heart rate was pretty intense too.. i was freaking out really bad worried i was having a heart attack or something.. I didnt evben smoke that much, just 3 pretty big bong hits.. i didnt get a look at the weed so im not sure if it had anything odd in it.. its morning now and i feel kinda groggy.. i kinda feel like stupid or something.. please help..Health Question & Answer

I would smoke weed and get freaked out and think something was wrong and start to panic.. It would really bother me wondering whether or not it was laced with something or whatever.. The truth is that every time you smoke, the weed isn't going to be the same (unless its medical weed) and you never really know how much or little the difference will be.. The twitching has happened to me before too and I hated it.. I started to realize that basically whenever I smoked I would panic or freak out just because I didn't really trust what affect it was gonna have on me.. So the answer was easy, just stop.. I know the feeling of waking up the next morning feeling weird and kinda groggy and yes worried about whatever it was I really smoked (all weed or laced).. Weed is fcked up because its so potent or so mild that you have no idea what its going to be an I'm not about to bother growing my own or trust some loser somewhere to grow it cause yeah it can be laced with anything.. Scariest of all.? Weed is often dipped in different narcotics which can be a mix or range of numerous different substances that have a limitless affect on the smoker permanent or temporary.. Sooo, its really impossible to tell anything just by looking at it because whatever it was dipped in just soaks into the weed and is absorbed.. Its the not knowing or uncertainty that is the worst and unfortunately, you won't know exactly what was in it cause it could have been anything.. The only certainty you have is by not smoking it anymore.. You make yourself a "guinea pig" if you smoke street weed cause the effects are always different and often weird.. Don't be stupid.. Peace..Health Question & Answer

Well, to me it sounds like the weed was maybe stronger than your used to.?
I usually smoke it in a spliff not a bong, but when i put more weed in that usual i sometimes get the twitching and head rushes.. If it was laced you probably would have been really ill like throwing up and stuff..Health Question & Answer

shame shame shame..........

DONT SMOKE WEED!Health Question & Answer

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