My pinky has been numb and tingly for 4 days, what do I do?!

Question: My pinky has been numb and tingly for 4 days, what do I do.?
Okay about 4 or 5 days ago my pinky and a little bit of my ring finger has been all tingly and numb'ish and it won't go away, I've put ice packs on it, not used it, tried stretching, everything!

I know its not asleep cause I've had my hand asleep tons of times and it woke up momentarily..

Is it a pinched nerve.? It does not hurt, it is just tingly and numb, its annoying!

How to I make it stop tingling and regain feeling.?

Please help!Health Question & Answer

Could be a couple different things:
1.. Pinched nerve in neck (do you have any neck pain or any pain down your arm.?)..

2.. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (do you type on a computer quite often.?.?)

If this does't resolve in the next day or so, I would suggest a trip to the doctor.. It's not normal for this to happen, so it needs to be evaluated by a physician!

Hope it gets better soon!Health Question & Answer

Get a carpal tunnel splint at your local pharmacy (ask the pharmacist) try wearing it to bed for a few nights, see if you get some relief..
Sounds like a pinched nerve, most likely..
I assume you don't have diabetes or thyroid problems, most likely just a pinched nerve..
Not a scary thing, but if it does not go away with a wrist splint in a week or two, go to the doctor..Health Question & Answer" rel="nofollow">
you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alotHealth Question & Answer

You need to see a doctor ASAP, this could be a nerve problem, a circulation problem, or even a mild stroke..Health Question & Answer

try doing "windmills) with both your arms
if you have a pinched nerve it may help move things around a bit otherwise you may be looking at carpel tunnel or a pinch in your neck or even shoulder..Health Question & Answer

D U H !!!!!! GO TO THE DOCTOR'SHealth Question & Answer

Sounds like Carpal Tunnel to me, and I had both hands operated on years ago.. You need to change the angle of your keyboard and add stretching to your regimen while on the computer..
The doctor will test your arm for nerve damage, by poking you with a needle while you have electrodes hooked up.. The machine will register how long it takes for the nerves to respond, for an indication of how bad the narrowing is, in addition to having xrays done..

Your finger bones are called Carpals, and come together in the wrist, allowing a small space for the nerves and blood vessels to go through and up the rest of your arm.. If you are doing repetitive work, the bones start to grate together from the repetition, which causes swelling.. The reduction in the size of the opening is pinching the nerves and causing reduced blood flow through that little canal.. If you can imagine three roughly triangular bones almost meeting, that space between is the carpal tunnel.. This narrowing is the problem, and it sounds like you have it.. Some doctors will prescribe a wrist protector, which will limit the amount of movement you can have in the wrist, or it may be so bad you have to go directly to surgery.. It is really important that you get a gel pad for the desk for you to rest your wrist on..

For now, the only thing you can do is reduce the swelling with ice.. Soak your hands and wrists in a bowl of ice water for as long as you can stand it.. Sit with the hands up,so the fluid will drain out of the wrist.. Good luck! Avoiding surgery is the best way, so try everything you can think of..Health Question & Answer

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