I have to pee every 5 min whats the probem?? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!?!

Question: I have to pee every 5 min whats the probem.?.? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!.?
okey Im having a bladder problem i feel i have to pee really bad and when i go to th rest room i pee only a lil bit they when I leave the restroom i have to pee agian really really bad not even 5 min pass i drank a lot of water today i dont know whats the problem or is that the problemHealth Question & Answer

For a woman, more likely urinary tract infection.. Really annoying.. People say that drinking cranberry juice and lots of water can help, but my experience is it's only cured by antibiotics, so get to the doctor and get a prescription ASAP.. If left untreated, it can become a bladder infection, and possibly even a kidney infection (happened to me once), and that's most unpleasant..

This is most commonly caused by friction on the urethra during sex, especially if it's been a while since you last had sex.. If you've not had sex recently, it can also be due to poor toilet wiping habits (ie back to front instead of front to back).. Some people are just more prone to them than others, unfortunately..Health Question & Answer

You have frequent urination aka Polyuria, one of the following might have caused it:

* diuretic drugs
* diuretic foods (coffee, tea, soft drinks, juices high in
acid, alcohol, etc..)
* diabetes mellitus
* diabetes insipidus
* psychogenic polydipsia
* high doses of riboflavin (vitamin B2)
* high doses of vitamin C
* cold diuresis
* altitude diuresis
* interstitial cystitis
* interstitial nephritis
* lupus erythematosus or other connective tissue
disease related cystitis
* Sj?gren's syndrome
* renal tubular acidosis
* Fanconi syndrome/renal glycosuria
* hypercalcaemia
* hyperthyroidism
* hypopituitarism
* pregnancy
* reactive arthritis/Reiter's syndrome
* glomerulonephritis
* squamous cell carcinoma of lung (a paraneoplastic
* hyperaldosteronism/Conn's syndrome
* hypokalemia
* polydipsia
* congestive heart failure
* Cushing's syndrome
* Addison's disease
* intestinal obstruction (occurs after toxins begin to be
absorbed from the damaged intestine)
* hypercalcemia (most commonly from cancer)
* hyperparathyroidism[1]
* acromegaly
* polycythemia
* partial obstruction of the urinary tract
* pheochromocytoma
* side effect of lithium (see lithium thirst)
* liver failure/ cirrhosis
* pyometra in certain animals or appendicitis in humans
* neurologic damage
* urinary tract infection - although it more commonly
causes frequent passage of small volumes of urine
rather than a large volume
* emphysematous cystitis
* post supraventricular tachycardia
* migraine

If it continues all weekend, make an appointment to see your physician..Health Question & Answer

You need to buy some Cranberry Juice and drink a lot! Drink a lot of that and a lot of water non stop.. It should help.. To prevent this from happening again, always pee before and after sex, wear not too tight clothing, don't take long to change out of bathing suits when wet, those are just some.. If all else fails, take Uristat pills..Health Question & Answer

to the person above urinary tract infection is not just a female infection it affects males to Ive had it and i went on antibiotics go to the Dr and ull get a ultrasound and theyll find out and put u on antibiotics what helped me what Ural its like packet of power u put in some water and drink it helps ALOTHealth Question & Answer

OK, I'm a nurse not a doc, so therefore I cannot diagnose a problem, but sounds like you have a bladder infection.. Make an appointment with a doc, in the mean time get you some uristat at the drug store and drink cranberry juice for some relief..Health Question & Answer

You definitely have a bladder infection..Health Question & Answer

This is why i stopped drinking so much water.. but beware! if you stop drinking so much water everday you could end up like me dehydrated, face break outs, and severe dry skin.. GAWD help me......Health Question & Answer

Bladder infection..Health Question & Answer

Cheap beer, It is low in alcohal content and high in water.. makes you have to go.. drink whisky or a more expensive imperial stoutHealth Question & Answer

could be bladder infection......could be kidney problems......could be that your pregnantHealth Question & Answer

bladder infectionHealth Question & Answer

bladder infection, or maybe your pregnantHealth Question & Answer

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