Bump on the left side of my neck and it hurts when i swallow?!

Question: Bump on the left side of my neck and it hurts when i swallow.?
last night i kept screaming and afterwards that's when my throat started hurting.. it hurts so bad when i have to eat and today i realized a bump on the left side of my neck.. should i just wait it out to see if it goes away.? because the bump isn't really something you can see.... but if you feel it than yeah.. it's there.. it's like an inch long..Health Question & Answer

that's yuor lymph node.. it's swollen.. You have one on each side of your body.. You see your throat can be just like the rest of your skin.. When it gets too dry it can crack open or even rip, or chap if you will..

When you were screaming, your throat probably dried up from all the air you your pushing out (hence screaming).. This could have cause your throat to rip open ever so slightly, nothing major, and your body is healing it.. So the lump is your swollen lymph node, the swell when they are cleanign something or healing something (no matter what part is afflicted)..For example, if any part of your body is healing, the nodes swell, you cant even donate blood if they are swollen because they can swell for any reason.. The reason it hurts to swallow is becasue it is a fresh wound.. For example, if you bite the inside of your cheek, it hurts to rub your tongue over that spot......same concept.. Since your throat is scratched/cracked, it hurts when you swallow.. This is because of 2 reasons: 1..) when you swallow the muscles around the tonsils clench (this is how you swallow) and just like if you cut yourself, ithurts to clench up in a sensitive spot, and 2..) It could just be that the food is rubbing against the sensitive spot..

all in all its nothign to worry about and should go away in a couple days at most.. To help the healig process go by quicker, drink more water and milk and less O..J or soda.. also, gargle saltwater one a day, and use toothpaste w/o bleach.. These are all optional, nothing bad will happen if you dont, but they help it heal quicker..

also, If you dont want this to happen again, have abottle a water at concerts or haunted houses, etc.. If you keep drinking water while you scream then that shouldnt happen..Health Question & Answer

That will teach you not to scream so much.. Because it's on one side only, you probably broke a blood vessel.. Of course, your throat hurts.. It's probably all raw from all your vocalization.. Just drink some warm liquids, stay away from hot and spicy foods, coffee, acidic juices for a week or so, and you'll be fine..Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a swollen gland....go to doc....peniccilinHealth Question & Answer

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