Why does my cocyx hurt?!

Question: Why does my cocyx hurt.?
My cocyx (tail bone) hurts but only when i sit down.. well depends on what position i am in when i sit down.. well my cocyx been hurting when i was doing sit-ups in 7th grade (i'm going up to 8th grade) i asked the doctor when we had our physical check ups.. the doctor said that maybe its just a bruise.. ok when my cocyx started hurting it was in my 2nd semester.. i've been wondering why my cocyx hurts in certain positions when i sit down.. My cocyx wasn't like this before......Health Question & Answer

It sounds more like it is "out of line" than bruised.. I used to do a lot of situps on the ground, and this happened to me, as well.. I found out from a chiropractor that I had shifted it out of place, and it was pulling to one side..

When you do sit ups, be sure to put down a mat or blanket to soften the impact.. That is the "pivot" point when you are doing the sit ups, and it is very important to cushion it..

It will heal up on its own if you are careful with it.. If it is bothering you a lot, and interfering with sleep, I would consider seeing a chiropractor.. I did, and it felt much better after about 3 days of feeling a little bit worse.. This is because they move it into its correct position suddenly, and the surrounding muscles must adjust to the change..

So, cushion the coccyx when doing sit ups, alternate icing with an icepack and heating with a heat pack every 15 minutes for an hour each evening, and consider seeing a chiropractor..

also, try sleeping on your back if you do not already.. Put a pillow under your lumbar (the lower part of your back) to support your spine..

Best to you..Health Question & Answer

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