How long does it take for the body to digest a meal?!

Question: How long does it take for the body to digest a meal.?
In other words, if i ate something tonight how long does it take on average for it to be digested-to come out as well-you know what......
Does it differ with certain foods.? If i eat something that is spicy or something that just doesnt agree with me is it possible for me to digest it out right away.?
For example, my father always complains when he ends up with diarrhea that something he ate a hour earlier caused it.. I try to tell him thats not possible, it couldnt have went through him that fast could have it.?Health Question & Answer

It varies from person to person and can also vary within the individual.. When you are more active it speeds up your metabolism and you go through food quicker.. Usually I go once a day but when I'm more active during a given period (work out and skate) I could go 2-3 times a day..

And yes you can have diarrhea from something eaten within an hour.. Your body doesn't agree and is trying to get rid of it ASAP lol.. Sometimes it isn't fully-digested and you can see evidence XDHealth Question & Answer

Timing of digestion depends on what foods you eat and in what combinations, Most fruits that are acid(Oranges, strawberries and the like) will digest in 1 hr to 90 mins.. Sweet fruit, like bananas and raisins take 3-4 hrs.. Proteins 4 hrs veggies 2-3 hrs and most carbs 2-3 hrs.. At that point it enters the colon and figure about 4 hrs longer before the call of nature is apparent.. Bon appetit!Health Question & Answer

It depends on what you eat and the kind of metabolism each individual has.. Yes if you get diarrhea it can come out within an hour.. We once did an experiment in class to see how fast our body would digest.. Simply eat some corn and then just check your stool to see when it comes out since the body wont break down the corn.. Yeah sounds gross but then again you get to know your body better..Health Question & Answer

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