Gallbladder pain but ultrasound normal?!

Question: Gallbladder pain but ultrasound normal.?
I have had a total of 2 gallbladder attacks.. One a couple of months ago, the second sent me to the ER Thursday with pain so bad I could barely walk and was crying.. I am still sore from the pain..

Both the ultrasounds came back normal, bloodwork in the ER Normal.. I am going to call my DR monday.. ER seemed to think it was stomach acid irritating my gallbladder, but I have never had a problem with heartburn until this last attack - and now that the attack is over, the heartburn is gone..

Could it still be diseased - this pain hurts both in front and back.. This time it was like someone shot me with a dose of pain all the way through.. I do not want to go through this again!Health Question & Answer

I complained about gall bladder since 1976 and all the ultrasounds were normal and I kept having them.. Finally the Dr did a test were they inject dye and watch for an hour as the gall badder empties and then they injected stuff to simulate a fatty meal.. Well my galbladd had no stones but it was also not working..

It had to be removed.. Now that it has been 2 months and I am healed I no longer have that pain in my galbladder area..

Gal bladder ultrasounds do not show everything and ask for the other tests.. It took an hour for the first one and about 1/2 an hour for the second test.. Under a scale with 35 being normal mine was a 4.. My gall bladder did not contract like it should..Health Question & Answer

Did the doctors SAY that it's a gallbladder attack that you're having when you go there.? Sometimes, people can have those attacks over and over before something is done but, if yours is SO painful, I'm surprised they don't look for something more conclusive.. Can't believe they just send you home..

Could be diverticulitis! Similar symptoms with that and VERY painful.. I know someone who just had surgery for that after being in the hospital for over a week with the symptoms and pain from that about a month ago..

You asked if it could be diseased if it is your gallbladder.. Well, my dad never had a gallbladder attack in his life.. Suddenly, one night for the first time, he got this pain.. Thought he pulled a muscle.. Then it moved from his back to his front and it just hurt all over.. ER said it was his gallbladder but x-rays showed no stones.. Ultrasound showed no stones.. It wasn't until he had a CT-scan that they discovered that the blood supply to his gallbladder had been cut off (for some unknown reason) and his gallbladder was dead from no blood flow and was gangrenous.. He was very, very sick then and had to have it removed, gangrene and all and IV antibiotics, etc.. Had a high fever then at one point with very high blood count.. He is one who can take pain but couldn't take this pain.. It was horrible.. His skin and the whites of his eyes turned yellow and his urine looked like root beer..

Doesn't sound like you have that (gangrene and dead gallbladder) since you're still here, conscious and asking all of us for help.. But, as you are aware, there is SOMETHING absolutely wrong.. I don't know how you can constantly be sent home after experiencing those horrible symptoms with no actual, decisive diagnosis.. Even if it IS stomach acid irritating my gallbladder, that's not right either and, it's not like they give you some kind of medicine for stomach acid that then makes you feel better so they conclude that's what it is.. Doesn't sound right! Sounds like more tests should be done or a specialist called in to find out why you're getting these pains..

Good luck to you.. jHope this was the last time and that it doesn't come back again..Health Question & Answer

I had the same symptoms you had as well as just not feeling well for a few months before I actually had an attack.. I had an ultrasound that came back normal.. A few months later, I had a gallbladder attack that sent me to the emergency room.. They gave me pain medication and set me up to come back for a c scan a few days later.. The very next day I went back again in the worse pain EVER! They did the c scan and sure enough it was my gallbladder.. I had several stones and an inflammed gallbladder.. I would say that an ultrasound does not always show a diseased gallbladder so I would folloe up and ask for another test.. GOOD LUCK! I hope you feel better soon because I know how bad that pain is!Health Question & Answer

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