I am having some stiff neck pains and difficulty turning my head to the left or right. No injuries known.?!

Question: I am having some stiff neck pains and difficulty turning my head to the left or right.. No injuries known...?
I was not injured, and had typical walking work out, light weight lifting.. The pain is generally in the back of my neck and runs up to the base of the skull.. I know I did not injure myself, but it seems the muscles are unusually stiff, anyone have any recommendations for relief.? Tylenol is not helping, and neither did sleep!!!Health Question & Answer

Have you fluffed your pillows lately.?
Bad pillows can hurt your neck while you sleep, causing neck pains, headaches, and jaw misalignment problems..
If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, you could have a bad mattress as well..
Discount linen stores sell Tempur-Pedic Bed toppers, that is, a two inch thick pad you can put directly on top of your mattress.. That will help your body alignment while you sleep..
You can buy better pillows at the discount linen store.. Try a series of different pillows each night.. Buy one of each kind: flat, thick, firm soft, and feather, and try them out.. Pick out your favorite and send the rest you won't use to a homeless shelter (and add a nice deed to your life book)..
A better pillow and mattress should help your neck problems while you are sleeping..Health Question & Answer

Dear Deb,

It sounds like a muscle strain.. You could have done it working out and did not even know it.. You could have also just turned your head quick and it caused a spasm..

Usually, right after a pain starts, there will be some inflammation.. So in this case I would use an ice pack on the back of the neck for 20-30 minutes.. Take it off for 20-30 minutes and repeat this process a few times today..

This should ease the pain and reduce any inflammation.. Try some simple neck stretches which you can find at www..arc4life..com under the neck exercises tab..

Once the pain has resolved you can then use heat to loosen stiff muscles..Health Question & Answer

I have a very stiff neck caused by a tremor, it affect to SCM muscle, so I have problems turning my neck from side to side.. I have always used muscle relaxers for this.. Such as: Baclofen, Zanaflex, Flexeril, and the one that works best I found was Soma.. Good luck....They are all prescription- only non-prescript.. would be Aleve at 2tabs......Health Question & Answer

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