Can anyone help me with my knee?!

Question: Can anyone help me with my knee.?
i was lifitng weights at the gym and i got a gradual tenderness underneath my knee cap possibly the cartilage its been 3 weeks and is not easing in any way, anyone got any advice in treatment apart from ice, creams, or heat thanksHealth Question & Answer

If I am interpreting the information that you have given correctly then you have patello-femoral joint dysfunction.. That is where the underside of the patella (kneecap) has been wearing away due to a misalignment.. The use of ice on the area for fifteen minutes each hour should help to decrease the pain and swelling.. There are somethings you can do at home to see if they work and if not then see a physical therapist for care.. Try these things at home first.. One do isometrics.. Place a rolled up towel under the injured knee and have the muscles of the knee push down onto the towel.. Hold for a few seconds and relax.. This movement can be done as much as you like as there is no real movement occurring.. The next movement is to take a large can of tomato juice or juicy juice and wrap a towel around it.. Place it under the injured knee and using a one or two pound ankle weight slowly lift the lower leg up.. Hold the final extension position for a second or two and then relax.. Do that ten times and relax.. Repeat that cycle twice more.. Lastly try this and see what reaction the knee has.. If it bothers the knee then wait until the knee is more quiet and try it again.. Get a 2x4 board about eighteen inches long.. Place the injured foot on the board or you can use a large book, the foot should run lengthwise on the board.. From a standing position fully extend the injured knee and raise the uninvolved leg off the floor.. Do this ten times and rest.. If there is pain stop and if not do two more sets with a rest period in between.. Ice the knee afterwards for fifteen minutes.. You can also get a patella tracking brace or sleeve at a local pharmacy or sporting goods store.. If you go to a physical therapist they will help you with biofeedback and other special exercises to make the appropriate muscle work more efficiently..Health Question & Answer

Well, I'm not a doctor in any way, but I would advise you to take about six (or eight, depending on how big you are) Ibuprofen every four hours for a few days and ice your knee.. Ibuprofen will take down any swelling that's going on under there and let your body heal it.. What's probably happening is that you damaged your knee and it swelled, and now since it's swollen it's continually being irritated and can't heal.. However, it's also possible that you damaged a tendon or ligament in your knee, so if it doesn't clear up in another week I would definitely go talk to your doctor and get it looked at.. Walking on it while it's damaged is only going to damage it more!Health Question & Answer

See your healthcare provider as soon as possible.. If the cartilage within the knee has been torn, normal motion may be blocked, preventing it from being straightened.. Although a torn cartilage doesn't need immediate surgery, it deserves medical attention.. When ligaments are completely torn, the lower leg can be wiggled from side to side when the leg is straight.. Compare the injured knee to the opposite knee to get some idea of what amound of side-to-side motion is normal.. If the knee slides front to back (called "the drawer sign" ), this is even more serious, since it suggests a tear of the ligament in the front of the knee.. If you think your knee motion may be abnormally loose, see a doctor.. Home treatment: If there is more than slight swelling or pain despite the fact that the knee was immediately rested and ice was applied, see the doctor.. If this isn't the case, apply the ice treatment on the knee for 30 minutes and then off for 15 minutes for the next several hours.. Limited weight-bearing may be attempted during this time with a close watch for increased swelling and pain.. Heat can be applied after 24 hours.. By then, the knee should look and feel relatively normal; after 72 hours this should clearly be the case.. Remember, however, that a strain or sprain isn't completely healed for four to six weeks and requires protection during this healing period.. Elastic bandages won't prevent reinjury but will ease symptoms a bit and remind the injured person to be careful.. For pain medications, take what your doctor advised.. And good luck..Health Question & Answer

That is something you should be asking a doc..It could be something simple that a few weeks off from the gym will cure and then it could have something to do with your cartilage,ligaments,or even kneecap..Go to the doc and let him or her tell you what is wrong..Health Question & Answer

Read and apply" rel="nofollow"> to find out what the problem is and then fix it..Health Question & Answer

Arnica Gel get it from BootsHealth Question & Answer

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