Sunburn problems.?!

Question: Sunburn problems...?
okay i got burnt last weekend, on my stomach and shoulders..
well my stomach is peeling, quite annoying, and i didnt think of it and spent 9 hours watching a cheer comp.. so i got burnt on my legs, face, shoulders, arms, wrists, feet, toes, back, neck.. so i hurt pretty bad.. i went to wash my face with proactiv and it burnt worse than i have ever felt.. ! and water hurts my sunburn too, but i gotta shower! soap irritates it.. is there any way to take the sting out.? and i dont believe milk helps.. lol.. but it hurts when i lay down and ughhh pain..

kthanks..Health Question & Answer

lukewarm bath with a mild glycerin (neutrogena) soap, baking soda and a packet of oatmeal bath.. avoid the proactive for now, b/c it contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide which can be irritating to burned skin.. apply aloe vera gel a few times a day-( get a colorless an alcohol free form).. I recommend a child's dose (6..25 to 12mg of benadryl) at bedtime i order to make you drowsy and sleep-Health Question & Answer

Aloe: Take as many leaves as necessary from an aloe plant; refrigerate; peel off top layer of leaves; apply the side of the leaf with flesh exposed directly to the sunburn.. Other remedies use aloe vera juice: for mild to medium sunburn, keep the affected area moist with aloe vera juice.. Repeat frequently.. This will reduce the pain and the amount of peeling.. Aloe vera ointment works well, too, as it contains oil and will not evaporate.. For a severe sunburn, keep the area moist at all times with aloe vera juice.. Since aloe vera is an astringent, you may want to use aloe vera ointment or some sort of oil, such as olive or baby.. Aloe is very effective in relieving pain and inflammation..

* Combine aloe juice with ? the amount of vitamin E.. Dab on the sunburn.. Vitamin E is a good moisturizer..
Apply apple cider vinegar to the burn with a cottonball, or make a cooling compress for a large area to relieve the pain.. Keep the skin moistened.. This remedy will prevent blistering and peeling..

Aspirin kills the pain and reduces inflammation and redness of a sunburn.. It short-circuits the whole sunburn process.. It must be taken within 24 hours of getting sunburned.. Aspirin is preferable to ibuprofen or acetaminophen because it is less stressful on the liver and kidneys..

Baking soda Dissolve some baking soda in water and make a compress using a clean cloth.. Another remedy is to add 1/2 cup of baking soda to a tepid bath and soak.. Instead of drying the affected area with a towel, let it air dry.. Baking soda is cooling and will help the skin retain moisture..

Baths Add 20 drops of each of lavender and chamomile essential oils to a tub full of COLD water and soak for 10 minutes..

Caution! You may have sun poisoning if you experience chills, fever, or get blisters or a rash.. See your physician!

Proactive contains astringents that strip the skins of oils and moisture...... your burnt skin is already missing these elements..Health Question & Answer

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