I hear a (non) stop buzz in my left ear what could be the cause and (can) it be corrected? ty in advance.?!

Question: I hear a (non) stop buzz in my left ear what could be the cause and (can) it be corrected.? ty in advance...?
please help..Health Question & Answer

Ear noises or buzzing


Tinnitus is the medical term for "hearing" noises in your ears when there is no outside source of the sounds.. The noises you hear can be soft or loud.. They may sound like ringing, blowing, roaring, buzzing, hissing, humming, whistling, or sizzling.. You may even think you are hearing air escaping, water running, the inside of a seashell, or musical notes..

Alternative Names:
Ringing in the ears; Tinnitus; Noises or buzzing in the ears

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Tinnitus is common.. Almost everyone experiences a mild form of tinnitus once in awhile that only lasts a few minutes.. However, constant or recurring tinnitus is stressful and can interfere with your ability to concentrate or sleep..

Common Causes:

It is not known exactly what causes a person to "hear" sounds with no outside source of the noise.. However, tinnitus can be a symptom of almost any ear problem, including ear infections, foreign objects or wax in the ear, and injury from loud noises.. Alcohol, caffeine, antibiotics, aspirin, or other drugs can also cause ear noises..

Tinnitus may occur with hearing loss.. Occasionally, it is a sign of high blood pressure, an allergy, or anemia.. Rarely, tinnitus is a sign of a serious problem like a tumor or aneurysm..


Heller AJ.. Classification and epidemiology of tinnitus.. Otolaryngol Clin North Am.. 2003; 36(2): 239-248..

Sismanis A.. Tinnitus.. Advances in evaluation and management.. Otolaryngol Clin North Am.. 2003; 36(2): xi-xii..Health Question & Answer

It can be caused by stress..
Try to relax.. Take some medicine to relax..
Mostly it will disappear by itself, but it will take some time..Health Question & Answer

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