Rotator Cuff Problem?? Help!?!

Question: Rotator Cuff Problem.?.? Help!.?
I am a swimmer, and for about a year and a half now, I've had a rotator cuff problem.. I was out of the pool for about 6 months, and went to a sports doctor.. He suggested physical therapy, which I did for 3 months.. It did not do anything, really.. After trying PT, I went to an acupuncturist.. This helped more than PT, but after a while, it stopped doing anything.. I also tried many homeopathic remedies for my shoulder, but none of them seemed to help.. Maybe I was not using them correctly.? I don't know.. Anyways, after all that, I went to a Chiropractor, who is certified in Active Release Techniques.. This probably helped the most out of everything, but my shoulder still hurts a lot.. I am back in the pool, with the doctor's ok, but other sports just hurt too much.. Is there anything else I can do, or do I just have to deal with this.?.?Health Question & Answer

Homeopathy is still your best resource.. Only, you did all you can on a "self-help" level..

Homeopathy is available over-the-counter to treat first-aid and acute care problems.. I imagine you've already worked with Arnica (always one remedy at a time, for as long as it helps and/or until symptoms change to indicate another), maybe Rhus toxicodendron, even Bryonia..

When self-help doesn't work, it means the problem needs the knowledge and training of a certified, professional homeopath.. Homeopathy is a philosophy, understanding why to give a remedy, and not the remedy itself.. So, you've just touched the tip of the iceberg..

I've helped numerous people (myself included) with injuries that would otherwise prevent continuing a sport.. Your problem is now "chronic," and a homeopath can help.. In N.. America, the directory is" rel="nofollow"> Throughout the world, homeopaths are easily found.. If not, a lot work by phone now.. Interview 2-3 for a personality match, check credentials, training, and make sure they practice 100% homeopathy.. (Many alternative and conventional practitioners offer homeopathy, only their knowledge is the same consumer-level awareness that you have..)

One reason cure is incomplete, even with all the other healing modalities you've tried, is that there's usually an emotional component (even one of which we're unaware).. Stress plays a part in the tension our body's hold, as well as the "timing" of when an injury occurs.. Homeopathy at once treats everything..Health Question & Answer

You should not go to the chiropractor instead see a physical therapist & an orthopedist and also ask your primary care physician what he thinks of you going to a chiropractor first.. Trust me he wont think much of him or her

Here is the truth about what they do.. A chiropractor can do spinal manipulations to relieve stress on spinal nerves caused by things like muscle tension or a slight misalignment of the discs.. The manipulation is not a permanent change of anything though, and no - they can't permanently change the natural shape or curvature of a spine.. An orthopedist can evaluate the situation and determine if a scoliosis is actually present, and if a brace would be of help.. A brace has to be individually fitted though- it's not a one size fits all proposition.. A chiropractor can be helpful in musculo-skeletal aches and pains, through manipulation and massage- but aside from that it's all smoke and mirrors.. If you have back pain from the misalignment, they can help relieve that.. But nothing they do is going to be a permanent fix.. Spines don't work that way.. To change a spine takes surgery and braces.. Most want to drag out the process for as long as possible.. There plan is to take a full body X-ray and have you going to them for a long time, by nit picking every little thing.. No ones spine is perfect.. In my opinion they are just as good a back rub.. But to each his or her own.. Chiropractors do not have a medical degree nor are they FDA approved.. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong..

DO NOT GO TO THE CHIROPRACTOR.. There are many better options available..Health Question & Answer

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