Anyone with fibromialgia please give me your opinion.?!

Question: Anyone with fibromialgia please give me your opinion...?
I have a very good nurse practitioner who helps and understands fibro but my doctor thinks it is me attempting to get pain pills.. I have never even asked for them.. I asked for him to refer me to a massage therapist or a Rheumatilogist and he refused, telling me to take my Lyrica and stretch.. Anyone else have this problem with doctors not believing you.?Health Question & Answer

Well for me i have been lucky......Fibro is secondary to the major pain disorder i have.. Odd thing was the same thing happened with both of those to my mother to.. I was in the military at the time and mom and i became guinea pigs for the US government and we are in medical books oh lucky us.. The RSDS i have and the Fibro the doctor prescribe pain meds, we also did the pain clinic thing that didn't work.. Now i see a doc through the VA and she has no idea about either of the things i have, i do the research and she writes the prescriptions i need.. We have a trust thing and i bring her in all the info i have found out..
There are doctors who do not believe Fibro exist, they feel its a waste basket diagnoses.. What you need to do is find a doctor who knows what this is, knows how to treat the patient and is there to help you.. By law the doctor has to treat your pain.. Finding the right doctor is key and what you asked for him to refer you to sounds like good options, he should give you what you requested..
Just remember to no let this disease control your life, you need to take control......No matter how much you hurt, believe me i know how you feel you need to keep doing something.. Now find the proper doctor to help you and tell this guy to pack sand..Health Question & Answer

Yes, I have Fibromyalgia and it is really bad.. I finally found a Dr.. that gives me pain pills or else I couldn't get out of bed.. I don't know where you live, but, some states are very strict about Doctors giving pain meds.. You just have to keep searching.. It took me about 2 years to find one that really believed me and gave me the pain medication.. It sure does help.. But, Fibromyalgia is a very difficult disease to deal with even with pain pills..There are Doctors out there that do believe that Fibro is real, and it is! Even with the pain meds, I am still in some pain.. It is very hard to deal with.. A group of people with the Fibro, would be a good start, if you could find a group and start attending their meetings.. If you live in a small town, they may not have any.. If you can't find a group, start asking people on this web site to communicate with you.. I have had Fibromyalgia for over 10 years altogether.. I hate to tell you this, but Advil used to help, it doesn't anymore..Health Question & Answer

Yes; I had an orthopedic tell me there was no way I had CRPS.. Go to another doctor! You need to have a rhuematologist and probably a pain clinic you go to.. My mom has fibro and never got relief until she saw a rheumotologist..
If you have a doctor that doesn't believe you and isn't working with you to make sure you get better (at least the pain); you need to seek another doctor; if only to get you referred to a specialist..Health Question & Answer

It happens ALL the time.. You can thank all the people that abuse pain meds for that!! They've made it far harder for people that really need pain relief to obtain it..

I've been going to a pain management clinic for years for a spine injury and I hear a lot of people say Lyrica doesn't work for them.. Here are a few links that can help you.. Good luck,, fibro is a very painful condition.." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

No doctors now question if fibromyalgia is real or not.. It's been proven to be real or there wouldn't be a FDA approved drug (lyrica) for it!! 10 years ago they it was a diagnosis for vague chronic pains mainly in women but they know what it is now.. Check out the links,,, it's information from medical professionals,, and it's freeHealth Question & Answer

Yes......get another doctor.. There are too many out there that specialize in this and they KNOW ! Some doctors just don't believe in chronic pain problems........

Get a new doctor.. Too many out there to stick with one that wont' work with you..

I have a son who is paralyzed.. Believe me......we have fired and gotten new doctors a LOT because they wouldn't listen to us ..

Listen......YOU know your body and your symptoms more than anyone else.. IT is NOT in your head and don't let anyone tell you differently..

YOU are a nurse practitioner you know all doctors are not created equal and how bias and how some think they are Gods..

Do know you don't have to stick with one doctor..Health Question & Answer

Thats what second opinions are for.. The problem is if you are in a HMO .... then again they love giving pain pills .... easier to mask the problem than solve it.. Just try another doctor..

My doctor was the same way .... always brushing off what I was telling him .... after years of this I finally went to a different doctor .... turns out I have MS.. I want to go back and let that other idiot know about it but figured not worth the trouble..Health Question & Answer

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