Why do i have stinging in my toes and fingers?!

Question: Why do i have stinging in my toes and fingers.?
I have looked up several articles this morning hoping to come up with a definite answer as to why I'm having this problem.. It has been much more frequent than its ever been in the past few weeks.. It feels like a strong stinging sensation in my fingers and toes (sometimes on the fingertip itself, sometimes what feels like under the nail bed, and less frequently in my toes) and is so painful I often wince from it.. It has occurred at times of rest as well as during times of activity.. I have also always had a very sensitive stomach, and in the past three years have experienced a lot of nausea and thrown up from it even though otherwise I appear and feel relatively healthy.. I'm not sure if these two are related or not.. I cannot see a doctor until school starts up again and my health care is covered there.. This will be in about a month so I was wondering if any one could help me out until then! Thanks so much!Health Question & Answer

Sounds like some sort of neuropathy...... if you have had lots of vomitting, mayebe you are deficient in a certain vitamin or electolyte and this is what is causing the tingling/stinging.. I would talk to your doctor and have some labs drawn...... electrolyte deficiencies can be very dangerous and sometimes fatal.. My guess would be that your potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are all out of whack.. Are you having any chest pain, shortness of breath or dizzy spells.? You might consider going to the ED even without insurance, they have to help you.. Having a medical bill to pay is better than having a medical emergency.. Good Luck..Health Question & Answer

If it's the type of stinging I think it is, then it's probably because you need more potassium and electrolytes.. To obtain these, drink a healthier alternative to Gatorade, or just Gatorade.. Eat plenty of bananas, or foods that have a high amount of potassium..

Hope this helps!.?
PS: best answer.? I need points really bad! lolHealth Question & Answer

I have only one question for you ......are you a Diabetic..
They can get stinging in their toes and fingers..Health Question & Answer

Not sure what you have, but my mother has something called guillain-barre syndrome.. It cause tingling and sharp pains in her toes, fingers and even a twitch in her chest at times.. Its a nerve condition that could be brought on by age, and helth factors, in her case diabetes.. Its manageable but it can turn serious.. I saw a news report last year where a older male, maybe 50ish, became paralyzed from it.. It suddenly hit him.. He is expected to make a COMPLETE recovery.. They say that that particular occurance, paralysis, is RARE.. I'd see a doctor and see what you really have and seek treatment or therapy.. I don't think there is much treatment for this syndrome if that's what you have.. Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon!Health Question & Answer

well, i looked around for you in my medical dictionary and the internet, and (although it's a long shot coz u dont have many simptoms).. i would say that the stinging in the fingers might be Carpal tunnel syndrome.. it is said to happen to 10% of adults, but there is also a chance that children can get it too..
this is caused by increased activety with the fingers and hands, such as being on the computer, lifting heavy objects, and sleeping on your hands at night..

symptoms include a stinging or numb feeling in the fingers (especially the middle finger and thumb)..
DUN WORRY THO! if im right, then u should be able to help heal your fingers (coz ur still a kid) by doing less activity which involves your hands and just letting them repair themselves.. the nausea and vomiting may just be a side effect to the sickness, but then again, could be a whole new sickness altogether (like a cold)..

if i were to go with any illness, i would say that Carpal tunnel syndrome is the one that you have, however, i could be wrong and still recommend that u see a doctor..

thank u ; D

get better soon!Health Question & Answer

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