Pinched Nerve? Really Really Bad Headache Help Me!?!

Question: Pinched Nerve.? Really Really Bad Headache Help Me!.?
Story Time:
Two weeks ago I woke up and got ready for the work day like every day of the year.. When I got out of the shower a pain shot through the left side of my neck right along the hair line.. It went up the neck into the head and down into the sholder and made it so I couldn't move my body (from the pain I really could move if I needed to but it hurt to try and do anything so I didn't)..

Current Problems:

Now the pain only comes when I have sex with my wife (WHICH SUCKS).. After it happens it leaves me with a major headache the rest of the day.. I have no clue what it is or why its doing it.. This has gone on for two constant weeks.. I take 2 Aleve every time it happens and it doesn't really help with the headache.. I'm going in to see a doctor in two weeks (next time they are availble).. Does anyone know what this could be so I can fix it now instead of later.? Read additional info for news on what is new in my life maybe it will help you out..Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you're trying hard to address your weight issues and cutting out the soft drinks is a great idea.. Are you drinking lots of water.?

The first thing that occurred to me was that your pain started one week after your use of Hydroxycut.. I would stop using that until I saw the doctor and he said it was okay or that there was no connection.. Right now, from what you've said, Hydroxycut is the likely suspect for your pain.. No matter how many people take it and have no problems, there are always some people who have a bad reaction to certain treatments.. It may take a week for it to clear your body, but if you drop it and a week later the pain is gone, wel-l-l-l-l..............

You could also consult with a good chiropractor in your area.. My husband got rapid relief for a pinched nerve from a chiropractor after no success with traditional physical therapy at a sports medicine clinic.. Good luck!! : /Health Question & Answer

Well, you should quit taking the Hdroxycut, not for the pain but it just isn't good for you..
Sounds like it's a pinched nerve that flares up when you move your head/shoulders in a certain way.. Perhaps the doc can have you do some physical therapy as they are best able to help you..Health Question & Answer

Go see a chiropractor..Health Question & Answer

Good for you on the descision to lose weight.. Keep it up but it almost sounds like you hurt your self working out..
In my town I call my Chiropractor and I can get in within the hour.. And the cost is minimal and the pain relief (in my opinion) is maximal (is that a word.?)
You may decide to skip the doc appointment that you have to suffer in pain for two weeks to get to.. How sad..
Losing the weight will also help but may have been the reason for the pain in the first place..
As for the Mt.. Dew I know how hard it is to get off that stuff but you'll lose the weight faster if you cut that stuff right out.. I didn't realize how much of it I was drinking until a nurse practitioner began questioning me and we counted up the calories I was sucking down.. I lost 5# in two week by just skiping the Dew and drinking water..Health Question & Answer

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