Someone help please i have a really bad ear problem..?!

Question: Someone help please i have a really bad ear problem.....?
okay my ears been hurting for about a week....and i just woke up this morning and now the other one hurts too....i dont understand ive put swimers ear drops in and that didnt work....and i put antibiotic drops in too....and they both made my ear feel worse....and now i wake up and the other ear feels like its aching from the inside and from the outside they hurt if u put pressure on them....and well i thought it was swimmers ear bcuz everytime i tried to clean my ears it the ear wax wud be wet looking....idk what to do anymore....i mean everyhting ive tried has made the other ear i think im just goin to have to just leave both my ears alone....bcuz everytime id try to fix the problem with eardrops or a heating pad or wud hurt worse....idk i cant really go to a doctor right now cuz my familys broke....

anyone have any suggestions on what i can do.?.?.?
plez cuz it hurts rreally baddHealth Question & Answer

"swimmers ear" affects the outer ear..your pain also be triggered by an alergic reaction to a food, most commonly dairy products.. the ear canal -extending from the ear drum to the outside becomes inflamed and swollen.. Symptoms can include slight fever,discharge and pain >often severe and trobbing,that worsens as its touched or pulled..
A reacurring ear pain generally indicates that the original infection has been resistant to the prescribed in a house of smoking also contributes to the pain..

do not blow your nose if you have an efection.. keep the ear canal dry.. retained soap and water in the canal can be dangerous.. put cotton in the ear when showering or bathing.. do not go swimming until healing is complete..

avoid the most common allergenic foods:wheat, dairy, corn, oranges, peanut butter, and all simple carbohydrates including sugar, fruits,and jucies..

i recommened getting on a supplument: Vitamin B complex>50 mg/3 times a day> essentail for healing and immune function..(a sublingual form is recommended)
Zinc:(in lozenge form)10 mg 3x for 5 days then50 mg a day> Quickens immune response.. aids in reducing infection..

you can find these at any drug store.. also look for a new reverse spray.."murine" earigate..>safely rinses away ear wax build has relieved the presure of my swimmers ear, also found at any drug store for under $10..00 good luckHealth Question & Answer

You really have no choice, you have to see a doctor.. No ear drop is going to cure an infection, you need oral antibiotics if that's the problem.. I know what it's like to be uninsured and broke but some things HAVE to be treated, this is one of them.. It's just going to cost more the longer it's put off..Health Question & Answer

You probably have an inner ear infection......see a doctor for proper medicationHealth Question & Answer

Definitely go see a doctor.. When I was younger I used to get inner ear infections, if they are not treated properly they can cause what is called a cholesteatoma or other problems.. This is what happened to me.. 3 surgeries on my ear later, removal of the hammer, anvil and stirrup (inner ear bones), and implantation of a prosthetic eardrum and ear bones, I still have about an 80% hearing loss in my left ear.. Trust me.. Go see a doctor!Health Question & Answer

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