Why did I pass out?!

Question: Why did I pass out.?
I was sitting on the couch earlier today watching TV when my dad called me from upstairs.. I felt dizzy when I got up (I almost always do), but when I got to the door I could barely keep my balance.. The next thing I know, everything went black and I woke up about 30 seconds later on the floor.. I hit my head on the PlayStation that was nearby, and I still have a massive headache.. I also bruised my thigh and scraped my elbow..

Is something wrong with me.? Why did I pass out.?Health Question & Answer

Thats a tricky question, it could be due to many things.. Are you dehydrated.? Are you on any medications.? Do you have any illness'.? Its normal for people to feel slightly light-headed when going from a sitting to standing, or lying to standing position, however, fainting is definately not normal.. I suggest seeing your Dr.. No one can diagnose you on Yahoo! Answers..
Goodluck and make sure you get yourself checked out..Health Question & Answer

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