3 Nosebleeds every other day... sometimes both nostrils at a time? Help!?!

Question: 3 Nosebleeds every other day...... sometimes both nostrils at a time.? Help!.?
This isn't for me, this is for my boyfriend.. He's getting so many nosebleeds and I feel so bad for him.. He spent a month in Taiwan (which is very humid and hot) and got a couple nosebleeds there.. He came back 2 weeks ago, and since then he's gotten so many nosebleeds every other day.. The weather is also very hot and humid here at the moment..

What is causing this.? Any medication he should take.? Iron supplements.?Health Question & Answer

He needs to go to his doctor and have a check to make sure he has no other underlying conditon such as blood pressure problems..
It may simply be that he has a weak set of blood vessels in his nose and if this is the case the doctor can cauterise them
BTW the treatment for nosebleeds is to sit with head slightly down and put pressure on the sides of his nose about half way down on his sinuses and also put a cold facewasher or flannel across his forehead and one on the back of his neck and keep the treatment up till it stops.. He need to refrain from blowing his nose too until the nose has had a chance to seal off the offending blood vessel - ie several hours at leastHealth Question & Answer

If it happens almost everyday, you will have to ask him to go for a check-up.. There are other possibilities though, like heatiness or stress.. Heatiness is due to compressed heat in the body and it may cause cough, sore throat, fever etc..
Try to stop the bleeding first.. If it won't stop, put ice on his forehead, and ask him to lie down and relax..Health Question & Answer

do what i did! get a nose cauterization procedur done.. they stick a cotton swab up your nose and freeze your blood vessels in your nose.. i have not had one nosebleed in 3 years! i used to get nosebleeds everydayHealth Question & Answer

your boyfriend needs to cut back on the cocaine..Health Question & Answer

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