Butterfly Band Aid???!

Question: Butterfly Band Aid.?.?.?
My wife cut herself with a knife while she was cutting vegetables about 20 hours ago......the cut was deep but it stopped bleeding........she didnt want to go to stitch it......it didnt bleed much at night during sleep......I am still not relaxed about it......Can I get those butterfly band aids.? where can I get them from.? how can I apply them.? is it difficult to apply and remove.? Do they hurt when removed.?Health Question & Answer

Butterfly bandages refer to the butterfly shaped bandages that are wider at both ends with a thin center area to cross the laceration.. Theoretically the wide edges would adhere to the skin better and allow you to pull the skin edges together and keep them together.. In most cases you can accomplish the same thing with a regular bandaid.. IReally no such thing as butterfly "stitches".. You can buy butterfly badages wherever bandaids are sold..

As long as the wound edges are relatively close and it does not look infected, it shold heal fine.. Just keep it clean..

It is probably too late to place stitches anyway due to the risk of infection..Health Question & Answer

Hello, I once cut flap of my finger almost off with an electric meat slicer and it was about the size of a penny..I had to have butterfly stitches because it was so big and would stop bleeding.. If your wifes finger has stopped bleeding, that sa good sign she doesnt need to do anything about it.. She should probably cover it with something so that she doesnt catch it on anything or so that it doesnt get infected but it should be fine.. The butterfly stitches i got at the hospital, i had to keep them on for a week whilst my finger healed along with a large bandage (christmas eve i might add) lol.. They didnt hyrt at all being taken off ad my finger was fine underneath i now just have a bit of a scar.. Like i said tho if her finger isnt bleeding its no cause for concern because usally if its bad it will bleed lots as the fingers have alot of nerve endings in them and can bleed alot if cut..Health Question & Answer

She'll be fine.. Just keep it clean and covered.. I have cut my fingers all to hell many times and never gotten stitches.. Just cleaned it really well, wrap w/ guaze and lightly secure with medical tape.. That white athletic tape.. Don't do it tight b/c her finger will lose circulation therefor ceasing the healing process..Health Question & Answer

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