Type of Headache? Treatment without Insurance?!

Question: Type of Headache.? Treatment without Insurance.?
Ok, so I have been experiencing intense headaches on an almost daily basis for about 3 weeks (there were maybe 2-3 days where it did not occur).. They always occur in the evening, usually around 9-10 pm and last about 2 hours.. Occasionally, I will also get one around noon as well..

Everyone is telling me that they are migraines, but I am not sure due to the fact that they don't last 4-24 hours (what a migraine is supposed to last), and they are so predictable as to what time of day they occur..

The pain is ALWAYS on the left side of my head, and sometimes radiates towards my eye socket and nose.. The pain is unaffected by OTC medications.. I have tried ibuprofen, aspirin, tylenol, Excedrin Migraine, Alkaseltzer pain relief, and nothing seems to help.. I have also tried caffeine, which doesn't help to relieve the pain any faster..

I do not have insurance, and am afraid to go to the ER because of the $, but I may have no choice.. What should I do.? How much will an ER trip cost me.?Health Question & Answer

Migraines can occur at the same time every day if they're set off by a specific trigger, but the fact that they go away after a couple hours sounds odd to me..

It could be a sinus problem.. Try Afrin or some such.. If you have a fever, it might be an infection..

Go to the ER, preferably during an attack, and make sure they know that this started suddenly, and that the attacks have been daily.. Garden variety migraines don't start like that.. They'll probably order an MRI or some better diagnostic, to check for life-threatening conditions.. Don't worry about the money; worry about getting better..Health Question & Answer

First off, er is very expensive......prob bout 500 on average visit for non life threatening.. I woul check into a rapid care place (like er but chieper and faster, but have to pay upfront) or a primar care doctor (usually about 75 bucks).. also, It has been very very hot lately and it could be your getting dehydrated, try drinking Gatorade and supposedly its a good home rememdy..Health Question & Answer

try getting a massage, they arent that expensive.. instead of throwing your money away on pills and whatnot that jsut mask the problem go address the problem.......... DONT GO TO THE ER OR DR!!!! go get a massage and explain to them what you are experiencing........ they should have it fixed in no time.. massage was the only thing that releived my headaches that ive had everyday for the last 8 years..........just try it, trust me, youll be thanking me..Health Question & Answer

I use to get these headaches all you can do is go to the doctor and if you want to find out how much it costs ask someone that has been through what you have..Health Question & Answer

I am a migraine sufferer and am getting medically treated for them.. Migraines do tend to last much longer than 2 hours.. Sometimes mine last days if I don't take anything.. You say you are getting them nightly.? Maybe they are tension headaches.. Are you very stressed out.?

One thing my doc has me do is keep a journal of everything I eat/drink and my sleeping patterns and when I get my headaches.. There are a lot of foods that cause headaches, such as cheese, milk, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine (caffeine can be good and bad for headaches--the reason they put it in migraine meds is to make the ibuprofen work faster), smoked foods, MSG containing foods (monosodium glutamate--doritos and other chips, ramen noodles, other processed foods--also look out for maltodextrin and artificial sweetners).. Headaches can also be related to stress and sleeping patterns.. Keep a journal for a few weeks and if you can afford, go see a doctor.. The journal will make it so your visit is more productive than without it.. You might even figure out on your own what is causing the headaches..

If these headaches are chronic the doc might ask you to get a ct scan or MRI as I have had to do.. You want to make sure you have insurance before you do those procedures but don't wait too long because the doctor might want to check if they are caused by something that needs medical attention..

I also agree with the previous post that it could be allergies.. Try doing a facial massage when you get a headache.. Rub your face with your two first fingers in a circular motion around your cheeks starting at your temple to the side of your nose to your chin to your jaw and up again.. You have sinuses above your brow and next to your nose.. If you're having sinus trouble you might feel relief from these areas by rubbing them in circular motions with your first two fingers.. I especially feel relief from sinus pressure when I massage the area next to my nose..Health Question & Answer

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