Any doctors on here? Blocked eustation tube in ear. Tried inhaling menthol crystals for a month...?!

Question: Any doctors on here.? Blocked eustation tube in ear.. Tried inhaling menthol crystals for a month.......?
Didn't work.. So now my doctor has prescribed me Otrivine Nasal Drops.. Do you think this will help.? I'm confused why she didn't just give me ear drops, why nasal drops.? Do you think Otrivine will help.?Health Question & Answer

Hi, I'm not a Dr, but sometimes Otrivine nasal drops are given for 'plugged ears' (blocked eustation tube) It can sometimes help to reduce swelling too.. Give it ta try, if no improvement, go back to your DrHealth Question & Answer

Why didn't you ask your doctor about it when you were there.? Call the office today and ask why nasal drops..
Hint- The ear passages and the nasal passages are somewhat interconnected.. The drops are to decrease fluid in your ear by drying up your nasal passages..
See description below-
Otrivine adult nasal drops (xylometazoline)
Main Use Active Ingredient Manufacturer
Nasal congestion Xylometazoline hydrochloride.. Novartis Consumer Health

How does it work.?

Otrivine adult nasal drops contain the active ingredient xylometazoline, which is a type of medicine called a decongestant..

When this medicine is administered into the nose, the xylometazoline works by acting on alpha receptors that are found in the walls of blood vessels in the linings of the nasal passages and sinuses.. It causes these blood vessels to contract and narrow, thereby decreasing blood flow into the linings of the nose and sinuses.. This reduces swelling and the feeling of congestion.. It also reduces the production of mucus, helping to relieve a blocked nose..

The nasal drops help relieve congestion in a few minutes and the effect of the medicine lasts for up to 10 hours.. Two or three drops should be used in each nostril two to three times a day, for up to seven days..

As the medicine causes the blood vessels in the nose to contract, it minimises the amount of medicine that is absorbed into the bloodstream from the nose.. This means that the nasal drops have a relatively local effect in the nose and are unlikely to have side effects on other parts of the body..

What is it used for.?

* Relieving a blocked nose (nasal congestion) associated with colds, flu, sinusitis and nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) such as hayfever..


* This medicine is for nasal use only and should not be taken by mouth..

* You should not use this medicine continuously for longer than seven days.. This is because the medicine can become less effective if used excessively.. In addition, nasal congestion may come back (rebound congestion) when you stop using the medicine if you use it for too long..

In short, the decongestant part can help reduce the amount of fluid in your ears..Health Question & Answer

Have you heard of Hopi Ear Candles - they are great for clearing the ears and sinuses..
You can get them done at salons and alternative therapy places..
The eustacian tube connects your ear and nose so thats probably why you were given those drops..Health Question & Answer

Try taking a decongestant/anti-histamine for the pressure.. It will get things moving around in there and dry up any liquid that could be between your eardrum and the bones in your ear.. It always works for me..Health Question & Answer

Try holding your nose then blowing through it.. The pressure may help move any blockage in your eustacian tubes..Health Question & Answer

I had this and nothing helped apart from time for it to natureally clear itself.. try a decongestant as it may help.. i tried them and it worked for a while.. Evenually it will probably clear itself..Health Question & Answer

I thought the Hopi ear candles were a complete waste of time and money(

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