6 year old with "growing pains?"!

Question: 6 year old with "growing pains.?"
Our 6 year old has been coming home from day camp with "achy" legs and ankles.. also, he'll wake up in the middle of the night crying because his legs and ankles are hurting him so much.. Do you think this could growing pains.? I had them really bad, but I wasn't 6.. I was like 10, 11, 12 years old.. 6 seems a little early.? Anyone out there whos kids are the same.?.?
Thanks ahead of time!!Health Question & Answer

Your post sounds exactly like what is going on with my son.. He too is 6 years old and has been attending day camp.. He too is complaining of achy legs and ankles.. This week he woke up several times in the night saying his legs and ankles hurt.. The pain is not there all the time, just some days and nights/mornings.. I never had growing pains growing up, but I have talked with other people that say they remember having pains when they were young.. I too thought that 6 years old seems early.. I have also been really worried because I just had a nephew (12yrs old) diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, so I have been paranoid when my son complains.. But I have been told by another parent of a 6 year old that they have heard their child complain about similar pain in the legs..

so for now I am going to try not worry too much.. I think tylenol and rest seems to help alleviate..

also see .allexperts..com/q/Pediatrics-1429/6-yr-old-daughter..htm" rel="nofollow">http://en..allexperts..com/q/Pediatrics-14......

Best wishes..Health Question & Answer

mm yeah, my oldest son always had a bout of growing pains nearly every year......of course, he's 14 and now 5'10" ......while my younger son is 12 and 5'5" and rarely complains of growing pains.. it really depends on each child's awareness and/or sensitivity.. make sure your son drinks plenty of fluids and give him some tylenol.. it's not just the bones that ache it is also the muscles and tendons and nerves that are growing, stretching too.. make him comfortable so he can sleep well.. Health Question & Answer

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