Horrible second degree burn???! please help my little brother?!!

Question: Horrible second degree burn.?.?.?! please help my little brother.?!
ok, my 9 month old baby brother burned hiself with a hair straightner....please, it was a long story.... but it was not me or my mothers fault, it was plugged in and he pulled it down.. anyway,..

his middle finger is almost one complete bubble.... but it now popped and on the side of his pinky was black and then it turned to a bubble and then popped..

this happened not yeaturday but the day before....

the closest hospital is about 4 hours away....

please how can we help him.... :'''[

how can we treat it.?.? at home....

p..s.. its very very red around the bubbles, what degree burn is this sounding like .?.?.?.? :/Health Question & Answer

Third-degree burns occur when most of the epidermis is lost with damage to underlying ligaments, tendons and muscle.. Burn victims will exhibit charring of the skin, and sometimes hard eschars will be present.. These types of burns are often considered painless, because nerve endings have been destroyed in the burned area.. Hair follicles and sweat glands may also be lost due to complete destruction of the dermis.. Third-degree burns result in scarring and may be fatal if the affected area is significantly large.. If extensive enough, it can increase the risk of infection, including bacterial, and can result in death..

Second-degree burns manifest as erythema with superficial blistering of the skin, and can involve more or less pain depending on the level of nerve involvement.. Second-degree burns involve the superficial (papillary) dermis and may also involve the deep (reticular) dermis layer

Neosporin and wrap it like any other wound.. u need to put something on it before u wrap it because the wrap will get stuck in the wound and prolong the healing process..Health Question & Answer

Urgent care center at the soonest possible moment.. Even if it takes 4 hrs.. I suggest you get up at 5am and put the baby in the car and drive to the first Urgent care you come to or if there isn't one, the hospital.. Blackened skin means 3rd degree.. You are risking him losing his hand, not just his finger.. It is unbelievable you waited two days, but that is on your mom's head, not yours.. He needs to see a doc with all hasteHealth Question & Answer

If you care about him,you need to get him help.. If your family is as caring as you say, the officials will see that and be able to tell it's only an accident.. Bottom line, not getting him help could also constitute child abuse.. And tell the truth, because lies will be found out and make your situation worse..Health Question & Answer

first of all you said 4hours then 5 minutes, if his leg is broke and he has burns and no one is willing to go to the hospital, then it is child abuse, how would you like to be in pain from 2 really agonizing things, and no one would take you, he deserves to be taken away if you dont bring himHealth Question & Answer

Same Here! My dad was making breakfast (im 10).. And, he put me on the counter, accidnetly, i put my whole hand of the pan.. And, my dad told me I was scareaming sooo loaud.. i still have marks..

The thing to do is to keep ALL HOT OR BURING ITEMS away from the kid.. And, put a soaked cold towel over the bruned parts.. Health Question & Answer

put something frozen on it and go to the corner store or drugstore and buy some burn releaf for burns and then call the family doctor and out a banaid on it but change it ever hour and pu rubing acholo on it....happen to my baby cousin too but it was on his legHealth Question & Answer

If your mother doesn't want to drive the 4 hours to get help for her suffering child, she doesn't deserve the pleasure of having children..

I hope she knows that neglecting the child of the treatment he needs is CHILD ABUSE..Health Question & Answer

Take him to a clinic or the hospital.. Better safe than sorry.. 4 hours away shouldn't mean that you don't have a responsibility to his health.. Health Question & Answer

You could hang around for four hours, waiting for people to answer this question, or you could go to the hospital.. Go to the hospital.. Health Question & Answer

if you have an aloe vera plant, get some and break them open and put the gel from the aloe vera on it.. You all need to DRIVE THE 4 HOURS, and get that boy some help..Health Question & Answer

Ice maybe.?
At least CALL the doctor if you aren't going to drive out there..Health Question & Answer

Call a doctor for advice..Health Question & Answer

do u have a doctor in town did u put cool water on it as soon as he was burnedHealth Question & Answer

It sounds like it is defiantly a second degree burn, but depending on the depth of the burn it could be third degree.. It needs to be kept clean and dry.. If you have it you should cover the burn with Polysporine or Ozenol.. And then cover it loosely with a clean cry bandage.. Keep the dressings clean and out of his mouth.. Don't let him pick at it or anything..

You really should take him to a hospital, at 9 months he may need antibiotics.. Burns like that have a tendency to become infected, and he is very young to be taking chances with serious infection.. Don't take chances.. I understand that you are far from a hospital, I live in a small community in Northern Ontario myself, but there must be some way you can manage it.. Do you have a doctors office that is closer or maybe a nursing station.?.?

Check out his site and pay special attention to the part about the importance of seeking medical aide..
.medicinenet..com/burns/page2..htm" rel="nofollow">http://www..medicinenet..com/burns/page2..h......

Good Luck and I hope your little brother is feeling better soon..Health Question & Answer

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