I twisted my feet of left leg....... wat is the first aid.... i got swelling..pls tell me shud i walk or not?!

Question: I twisted my feet of left leg.............. wat is the first aid........ i got swelling....pls tell me shud i walk or not.?
I am an EMT, but since I cannot actually see or touch your injury, this is best advice I can give.. RICE! Sit/lie down.. Get a bag of ice and cover it with a paper towel and place it on the injury.. Eventually, you are going to want to wrap the injury to compress it.. also, elevate the injury about 1 foot.. You can take 2-3 Ibuprofen (Motrin) as needed for pain and swelling.. Take these with food and/or milk.. Health Question & Answer

The ankle is remarkably complex, and you may need a doctor to evaluate.. Even so, it is far more often sprained than fractured.. If you can not or do not wish to see a doctor, then try this advice for at least five days.. It will minimize any further damage from inflammation and allow for more rapid healing.. I should also mention that if it was a bad sprain, it can be sore for quite some time..

The best therapy is address with "RICE":
Rest - Stay off of it, keep it still
Ice - Keep a cold (but not painfully cold) pack on it at least 15 min of every hour
Compression - Wrap it in an ace bandage, but not so tight that the flood flow stops
Elevation - Keep it elevated (horizontal to the floor and preferably at or higher than your heart)..

Ibuprofen is a good drug for the pain, and will also help reduce the inflammation.. Read the label for dosing directions.. Do not just take "2-3" as my unlearned colleague above recommends.. Take only what the bottle directs you to and see how it works.. You can add acetaminophen/paracetemol if the ibuprofen is not enough, but you shouldn't use the acetaminophen by itself..

If it is still terribly swollen and painful in more than a few days, it really should be evaluated and perhaps x-rayed..

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Per the Red Cross First Aid......

If you cannot walk on it, the leg is mis-shaped (bending wrong, too long, too short, etc..), go to the doctor or a clinic..

If it just hurts and is maybe a little swollen, use the RICE treatment-
R- Rest the limb and yourself..
I- Immobilize the injury.. Use a splint or sling to prevent moving the limb
C- Cold- apply a cold pack for no more than 30 minutes at a time
E- Elevate the limb if you can.. Put your leg up

Some over the counter pain killer will help as well..Health Question & Answer

no, don't walk, put ice on it, and elevate it, prop it up on a footstool or something similar, if it's still swollen tomorrow, have a doctor look at it..Health Question & Answer

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