Blood Bowel Movement? Toilet full of Blood? Help!!

Question: Blood Bowel Movement.? Toilet full of Blood.? Help!
I just went to the bathroom and had a bowel movement, and it was easy to poop, I am not constipated.. But when I wiped I found blood, and thought it was my period, but it was from pooping.. The whole toilet was full of blood.. Should I be conserned, this has never happend to me before.. Should I go to the ER.? My doctors appoitment isn't till the 12th, and its not for this but I can ask when I go if it not a need to know now thing.. What should I do.? What could this mean or be.? helpHealth Question & Answer

You say the toilet was full of blood.? As in, a lot or just a few drops.? If it was a lot, maybe get to a doctor at a walk in clinic or the ER.. Especially if you're having any pain..

Otherwise, if nothing hurt, it might have just been a fissure or a hemorrhoid bleeding, but only a rectal exam can confirm that.. And if nothing is there an internal exam is necessary..

I'd also suggest calling your doctor on Monday if possible and asking them to fit you in at an earlier date..

But don't get too worried just yet, especially if there is no pain or fever.. Blood in the stool is often minor..

Keep a record of how much and how often it happens..

If it starts to worsen today, then again, ER..Health Question & Answer

I bet it was pretty frightening for you to find that in the toilet! Frightening, but not a medical emergency (yet).. Going to the emergency room may not be the best idea--you may be waiting a long time! I stick to the emergency room for things that absolutely CANNOT wait---bleeding that won't stop, losing consciousness, breaking a bone and plenty more..

I would try an urgent care clinic first (if you feel this can't wait--medical wise, I think it could, but personal concern sometimes overrules that---and that's okay!).. Otherwise, try to reschedule your appointment to an earlier day/time..

It could mean lots of things, you'll probably have an x-ray to check for a bowel obstruction--bloodwork to make sure you are not anemic (losing a lot of blood like that can make that happen).. Take it easy--and keep note of what your future bowel movements are like until your appointment.. also, if you are feeling different in general, let your doctor know that.. Good luck to you =) and I hope you feel better soon..Health Question & Answer

The odds are hugely in favor of the cause of bleeding with bowel movements being hemorrhoids, especially if you strained to eliminate.. (How polite is that.?)

Usually there's no underlying illness, and doctors can't do much except invasive procedures--hardly warranted for this level of bleeding..

It only takes about a tablespoon of blood to tint the toilet's water red.. Your body can spare that much easily.. It

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