How do you heal the cuts inside your lip?!

Question: How do you heal the cuts inside your lip.?
They look like little circular tears inside the flesh of your mouth, but it's right behind your lip, usually..

They take me forever to heal (ok, maybe like, two or three weeks, but it's absolute agony during that time) unless I get stuff prescribed from the doctor -- which I can't yet..

Is there any home remedies that I can do.? Anything to numb it, urge it to heal faster.? I've tried putting salt on it, but it doesn't do anything and just makes me want to kill myself.. It's hard to believe that such a small little cut inside your lip (that no one can see anyway..) can be so painful, but remember, when I eat, food scrapes the cut, and anything that is salty stings it.. It's horrible..

Please help..Health Question & Answer

These are not really cuts......they're canker sores (cold sores are on the outside of the mouth) There is a OTC medicine for canker sores on the burns a bit when putting it on.. Don't put salt directly on them........swish mild salt water (lukewarm) a couple times a day, especially after eating........The very best thing to do is to take L-lysine tablets as directed on the label..........I finally got my son to do this (he would suffer from the canker sores whenever he got a cold or was under a lot of stress at work and school)......and he has been canker sore free since........and he is forever grateful........I take one tab every day along with my is not harmful to you and helps immensely........they can be purchased at any health food or vitamin store, but also at the bigger chain stores (Walmart, Kmart) and are very much cheaper, but still just as good..Health Question & Answer

Cold sores.. They is this liquid solution that you can buy at any pharmacy.. It usually comes in flavors such as strawberry or cherry etc.. But to me, i think its not very quick at healing and not very effective but it's not painful at all.. I recommend or tend to do when i have these i wet my index finger dab it in a bunch of salt and stick it on the cut.. Although it hurts like s*** u might tear, BUT it is highly effective and if you do it 3 times Aday it will heal in less then 3 days..hope i helped x..x Health Question & Answer

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