I can't stop fidgeting!?!!

Question: I can't stop fidgeting!.?!
I can't stop moving! My fingers have to be doing something at all times.. If one hand is busy, the other is cracking it's own knuckles.. When I sit down to watch a show my legs twitch and have small jerks..
When I lie down before going to sleep, my legs tend to jerk out suddenly without warning..
I'm thirteen, and healthy..
Is it just anxiety or nervousness.? If someone's looking at me I have to look away, wring my hands, or stare at something and zone out..
I don't have ADHD or anything like that, but it gets annoying..Health Question & Answer

I am very restless too......however, I tend to relax enough to go to sleep, and my legs don't jerk.. If it continues to the point of interrupting your sleep regularly, you may want to see a doctor because it could be RLS......Restless Leg Syndrome.. It would be annoying but not hurt you in anyway..

As for with people looking at you, that sounds like basic nervous energy, and you may just have to try and force yourself to be okay with it.. I was always told to find a spot near their eyes to look......it kind of makes you feel like you're looking back at them but that they arent staring at you.. It could help......good luck!Health Question & Answer

being a fidgety as a teen is nothing to worry about if you were just being fidgety i'd say don't worry however print out exactly what you said here and take it to your dr to me it sound neurological but i am not a dr so i can only make guess not give a concrete answer.. the jerking and zoning out believe it or not can be a physical reaction to electrical impulses going on in your head please tell your mom or dad and dr sweety (i call all kids sweety) it really is the best idea..Health Question & Answer

Hmmm......I would try a child psychiatrist just to be sure.. In case you are wondering, they do treat grown-ups too..Health Question & Answer

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