Wrist joint problem and locking bones!

Question: Wrist joint problem and locking bones
The joint just where the bottom of my thumb and wrist meet is painful and the joints keep locking.. It isnt red or swollen.. The doctor said that the joints probably inflamed n gav me an anti inflammatory and iv taken it, it helps quite a bit with it and she said i should stop when it stops hurtn.. It doesnt want to stop hurting n im really worried since its my right hand n it pains when i write.. what could it be.?im 17
Health Question & Answer


i've had probs like that in the past, too........
i'm 24 and have some minor arthritis (many people
mistakenly assume it's an "old age" problem), but
typically that only affects my lower torso because
of all my years of dance, etc..

recently i fell at a buddhist nunnery in tso pema and
just barelyyyy caught myself, landing in a sort of 'push-up'
position (thank god i did because if i hadn't i would've literally
nearly toppled down a mountain, haha) and after the initial shock
that same area you've described began to hurt when i tried to do
anything, from typing to twisting the keys to my door.. and you
wouldn't even have known it hurt because the rest of me was pretty
scraped up and that part looked "normal" and didn't really hurt otherwise.. so when i went to the doctor he at first was worried that it was a scaphoid fracture, but then, upon further examination, suggested that it may have a minor sprain due to a combination of the pressure of my body-weight and over-extension in a strange direction on my digits (odd as this sounds, i caught myself with my fingers mostly on one hand) which is prolly what caused it to hurt whenever the tendons/muscles/whatever are being used and unfortunately there's not much you can do other than take a few aleve, let it soak in hot water and epsom salt for a few minutes, maybe apply some "theragesic" brand cream or "biofreeze" roll-on liquid (both usually available at pharmacies at grocery stores like walmart), etc and then let it heal itself..........

as for my otherrrr hand, hahah, which was having a sem-similar prob but more tingly (.?), constant, and stretched a lot towards the wrist, the doctor thought it might be the start of carpal tunnel due to constant typing for my entire lifetime (this originally used to mostly afflict secretaries, accountants, and computer scientist types- people that used a keypad a lot be it on a typewriter, calculator, or a computer)........ this is becoming quite an epidemic with people of our generation because we're the first cohort to literally have a computer at our disposal from birth until present..
my mother (a secretary-turned-accountant, go figure, hehe) had her carpal tunnel alleviated by a collagen shot (which she said hurt but was worth the pain stopping)..

sooo, yah..
i don't mean this to scare you, or anything, as
obviously we are different people and, thus, have different
problems.. but i'd say that it's valuable to go get a second opinion
and tell him exactly what you typed above for your question (a bone specialist or other doctor might even be in order)..

also, maybe check out some of these sites
and see if they help:

home care:
.webmd..com/sprains_and_strains_treatment_firstaid..htm" rel="nofollow">http://firstaid..webmd..com/sprains_and_st......

.webmd..com/wrist_injury_treatment_firstaid..htm" rel="nofollow">http://firstaid..webmd..com/wrist_injury_t......

scaphoid fracture:
.webmd..com/a-to-z-guides/scaphoid-fracture-of-the-wrist-overview" rel="nofollow">http://www..webmd..com/a-to-z-guides/scaph......

"skier's thumb":
.webmd..com/a-to-z-guides/skiers-thumb" rel="nofollow">http://www..webmd..com/a-to-z-guides/skier......

carpal tunnel syndrome:
.webmd..com/pain-management/carpal-tunnel/carpal-tunnel-syndrome" rel="nofollow">http://www..webmd..com/pain-management/car......

i know what it is to be in pain, so i hope that all turns out well
(heck, maybe/hopefully it's none of the above and you're gonna be good with just a little bit more healing time and hand-tlc)..

lemme know how it goes and good luck!

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