I think I injured my ankle badly!

Question: I think I injured my ankle badly
Okay so I'm 15 years old, and I have no idea what I did but over the course of this night my ankle has begun to hurt more and more.. It feels like something is being stretched inside of my ankle whenever I try to move it and it hurts when I move it almost like it would if you were purposely stretching a muscle.. Walking on it hurts and when I stand on it or try to hop on it it kills my ankle.. It feels when i move it like a sprain but also like a pulled muscle.. I can't move it without pain.. Earlier this evening I could run and stand and walk and hop without alot of pain to barely any pain but now it hurts when I try to do those things.. What do you think I did, and what can I do to make it feel better.?

It is also tender and I have a little scratch on the ankle.. When I look in the mirror I can see a bump on my ankle, and the ankle is red.. The bump looks about the same as it does on the other side and I can't tell if it is swollen or not.. It hurts a little when i push on it and move it but it looks as if I have a little bruise on the ankle..

I tried to wear my dads aircast but that made it hurt worse.. Do you think I should use crutches.. I hate them and they are really uncomfortable.. I don't know if they would help or not, what do you think.?

What should I do and could this just be a minor sprainHealth Question & Answer

you should prob go to the doctor and let them check up on it.. it sounds like you might have had a partial ligament tear.. until you go to the doctor you should use "RICE".. Rest, Ice, Compression and elevation.. Health Question & Answer

put ice on it..That will bring the swelling down untill you can go to the doctor,which you should do tomorrow if you can..Health Question & Answer

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