Did I just get bit by a tic?!

Question: Did I just get bit by a tic.?
I think I may have just been bit by a tic...... it was a very, very small bug, about the size of a broken pencil tip, maybe smaller........ I'm pretty sure it had wings and it had intenus.. It resembled a beetle..

It fell (or jumped) onto my arm and and hit it off and killed it but then my arm started to tingle and itch.. I put some bee sting medicine on it and it doesn't bother me anymore but I would still like to know if anything can happen to me.? Health Question & Answer

You did not encounter a tick.. A tick would have stuck to you and there would not have been any "hitting" it off, it would have had to have been pulled off.. As someone else stated, ticks do not have wings.. They generally fall from vegetation - truees, bushes, etc...... - onto their human "hosts.."

It sounds like you may have come in contact with something that is common in the South.. It looks like an ant, but has wings.. I'm not sure what they're called, but they sting and the sting will become itchy and red for a few days, but it's no worse than a mosquito bite - except for the pain from the initial sting.. UNLESS you have an allergic reaction.. Try googling "allergic reaction symptoms" to see what symptoms you need to be aware of.. Seek immediate medical attention if you feel like your tongue is swelling or your throat feels tight..!Health Question & Answer

Ticks are wingless, and they attach to your skin.. They clamp on.. So even if it were a tick, since you hit it off before it attached, it wouldn't have done anything..
You're fine, don't worry about it..Health Question & Answer

Tics don't have wings.. When they are as small as you said, they look like a tiny red spider.. I would say that you were bitten by something else..Health Question & Answer

ticks don't have wingsHealth Question & Answer

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