How can I know If I broke a toe?!

Question: How can I know If I broke a toe.?
-On the right foot
-Exactly a month ago me and my friend went tubing behind my family boat and when we went flying her foot hit my toe and it was black and I couldn't move it for about a week..
-It hurts really badly and it the one next to my pinky toe..
-It looks a lot different from the same toe on my left foot, like crooked almost....
-Is it broken, I mean it hurts to even put a freaking sock on, let alone running.?.?Health Question & Answer

If it turned black fast you sure did break it..Unfortunately there is not much you can do about it except wait out the healing process,I still would have it X-rayed just to make sure there isn't more damage than you think..I did the same thing at the beach one year ,I was chasing someone when I tripped over a tree root..Instant Agony..Health Question & Answer

Sounds broken..

Buddy tape the broken toe to the next toe (your third toe).. Use surgical tape and place folded gauze between the two toes.. Change the tape after you shower.. Keep your foot elevated and ice the injury..

You can always go to a doctor, but there's not much that a doctor can do for a broken toe..Health Question & Answer

We can guess until the cows come home, but the only way to know for sure is to head to the doctor and get an x-ray..

Until then, ice it, take Ibuprofin, and stay off of it as much as possible.. You can try to tape it to your other toe, but after a month, the bones are setting and healing.. It may not do anything.. Health Question & Answer

It maybe broken.. You can do what they would do at the hospital, and that is buddy tape it.. Take the "broken" toe, and tape it to the one next to it.. also take tylenol or advil for the pain..Health Question & Answer

I don't know why you would wait that long.. Why didnt you go to the doctors/hospital.? it could have gotten infected within that month.. Health Question & Answer

if its hurting that bad and you cant move it at all then its probably broken........ if you can move it, you probably just stubbed it pretty bad........Health Question & Answer

sounds broken.. even if it isnt taping it up will help

go to a doctor if its rly bad but usually broken toes heal just by taping them upHealth Question & Answer

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