Have I torn my ACL and should I go now for an MRI or wait?!

Question: Have I torn my ACL and should I go now for an MRI or wait.?
About a week ago, my knee started hurting after running on the treadmill and doing the stairmaster at the gym.. That night, as I was standing up from the sofa, I felt a pop in my knee and almost fell over.. I couldn't hardly walk after that, or the next morning.. I went to see my doctor and he thinks I may have torn my ACL and menicus, but he wasn't sure due to all the swelling in and around my knee.. He gave me a prescription for an anti-inflammatory and told me to come back in two weeks.. Since then, the swelling has gone down and I can almost walk normally.. However, I keep getting shooting pains in my knee and muscle twitches and cramps in my thigh and calf.. I've also had a burning sensation in my knee and it sometimes feels a little wobbly.. Should I wait another 2 weeks to schedule an appointment with him to see if I need an MRI, or should I just go back now.? I'm really active, workout 5-6 days a week at the gym.. I love to run and the thought of not being able to work out is killing me.. He did tell me I could swim.. I guess I just want to get whatever this is taken care of as soon as possible.. Will it be okay to wait and just swim for the next two weeks.? Does it sound like I've torn my ACL.? I should probably add that it only hurts now if I'm going down stairs (doesn't really hurt going up stairs) or doing something like bending it to get in or out of my car.. also, it pops alot when I go to stand up, and it sometimes feels like it might give out on me.. It's usually either that, or it feels like it's hyperextending too much when I try to straighten it.. Health Question & Answer

i would get the MRI and get this taken care of the sooner the better......

however i do not think that u have torn ur ACL......the ACL is usually torn with a sudden twisting motion or a severe jerk......

it does howver definatly sound like u have torn ur meniscus......

be sure that u have a GOOD ORTHOPEADIST and that u actually get a copy of ur MRI films and that the doc ACTUALLY LOOKS AT THE FILMS AND NOT JUST THE WRITTEN REPORT...... this will save u a lot of time and unnecessary pain in the endHealth Question & Answer

i would get it taken care of now before it is damaged even more..
some docs are (in my opinion) far to slow to get things done, leaving their patients in unnessisary pain or discomfort..Health Question & Answer

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